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Niall's POV

Well time for part two ! Normally what boyfriends do on first date is like a cute pocnic or watchimg a horror movie so that they get a chance to cuddle. What have I planned? Its simple and fun. Six flags newyork.

Brai's POV:

I was curious as fuck because the whole time in the car niall kept blabbering about how excites he was for this part of the date and trust me I was too. Soon we entered the world of "SIX FLAGS?! "

Niall's POV

As soon as we entered the drive way of six flags, Brailey jumped uo in her seat screaming "SIX FLAGS" the excitement on her face was just every thing I wanted to see. Good job niall !

Brailey's POV

He chuckled as I got all giddy as we waited in the queue of cars just before the enternace gate we made it through in about 15 minutes and the whole time all I said was either Thankyou nailler or gosh im excited and I pinched niall's cheek for about a million times.

2 hours. 2 hours spent on the worlds craziest rides with the most amazing person in the world. We tries the roller coaster the sky drop and so much more. Corndogs pizza cones chocolate ice creams and what not ! Niall even tried to win me a fluffy yellow minion and a prurple minion too but he failed to but being niall he convinced the stall owner to sell him the fluffies and well Niall bought the minions he kept the purple one for himself and the yellow one for me. I wonder whats next.

Niall's POV

Woah ! She is not what I expected usually girls get all whinny and poopy when it comes to ferrari rides which run on 200m/h and well she was more excited to get on those than me ! One of the many reasons why I fell for her. She is different she isnt a wannabe who would play hard to get. She is brailey. She has an orignal personality and a sexy one I must add. Anyways sux flags went awesome next uo something relaxing and cute and cheap too.

Brai's POV

We got in the car and without a word niall started driving "bab-niall where are we going?"


"Niall you ate 3 corndogs 2 pizza cones and 1 ice cream scoop and half of mine too"

"Hey that was just an appetizer" he said and stuck his tongue out at me and rwplied with one too.

"You're cute" he said making my heart flutter.

"So, did you like six flags"

"LIKE? LOVED IT ! I WAS SO GOOD AND YOU WERW ACTING LIKE A BABY AND ONG I HAD SO MUCH FUN ! BEST DATE IVE EVER BEEN TOO THANKYOUUUA NIALLER !" I said getting all excity again. Now we stopped at a resturant. McDonald's. I love today. He is the best date planner ever.

Niall's POV

I was sort of nervous when I parked outside McDonald's because usually girls go for fancy lunch places and trust I was in no mood for that shit. What can be more delicious than a bigmac and oily crispy fries?! She looked over at me and smiled real wide and quickly got off the car and RAN inside. Literally RAN inside. When I walked inside she was in front of the queue "ONE BIG MAC 1 LARGE FRIES 1 COKE AND A CHOCOLATE SMOOTHIE" I chuckled and walked up to her wrapping my arms around her waist. The cashier smiled at us as I told her to double the order. She turned around still in my arms and hugged me tightly wrapoing her arms around my chest. "I love todayy ! Thankyou so much !" She said and I replied by kissing her forehead.

Daawwwh they are so cute :")

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