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Niall's POV
I was shocked. I was a mess. I thought she was different. I thought she loved me, I trusted her and she broke me in a second. She cheated on me. She just came out like all the other girls who took advantage of me.

Brai's POV
I left his room and ran straight out of the house and walkes over to els house. I told her everything and she just stood there with a look of pure terror on her face. "Brailey you gave up niall?"
"Yes El. I couldn't play with his career."
"But brai what about louis what will you tell him? If you tell him the truth he'll forward it to niall."
"El I'll come back tomorrow" i said and I ran back ignoring her voice calling my name.
I ran back into the mansion and straight into Louis' bedroom. He was watching tv. "Brailey what's wrong why are you crying?! Did niall do something?!"
"Brailey what the fuck you slept with some one else?! Brailey why?!"
"It was just the spur of the moment! It didn't mean anything to me."
"Should I talk to niall?"
"No. Louis he's broken tell him that I really did break his heart that too intentionally and that you have disowned me. I'm settling my self in London and you guys will never hear of me again. Louis you have to do this for me. I can't be with you guys with a baby along side."
"Brailey even though right now I'm fucking pissed but you're my sister and I believe you that it was a mistake and that's fine but stay in touch with el atleast so that I know about you okay? I can't wait to be an uncle."
"Thankyou louis" i said as I pulled him in a hug for the last time in life.
I called el and asked her to book me a ticket to london and she did. I made my way back to Niall's room. He was asleep but he was a mess. His cheeks were tear stained and he had blood on his knuckles from punching the walls repeatedly. The room was a mess everything was shattered into pieces just like his fragile heart. I walked over to the closet and pulled out my closet and stole the tshirt Niall had thrown on the floor. I picked up the frame which was almost shattered but had a picture of me and Niall kissing behind the shattered pieces of glass and put it in the suitcase. I walked over to Niall and kissed him on the cheek. He didn't mive so it was safe to say he was in a deep sleep so i inched forward and kissed him on the lips and he kissed back moaning slightly. It felt amazing. But he was still asleep. He was so used to my lips that even in his sleep his lips worked perfectly against mine. With tears in my eyes and a hole in my heart I took a last glance of Niall and the house where I made a million memories and made my way to the airport. But I didn't completely part from niall. I had a part of him in the baby growing inside of me. That day as I got on plane I vowed to my self that I would take care of this baby and would love the baby as much or even more than i love niall. This is just another beginning and another chance for me to live as a completely different person. The lads except louis would hate me because I broke Niall's heart but now it is my turn to forget them and give my all to the baby Niall and I created. I'm sorry Niall, for not telling you the truth.

TO BE CONTINUED.................

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