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Brais POV

*beep* *beep* *beep* my alarm clock went off I switxhed it off and woke up to the bright sun rays peeping through my Royal blue curtains and thats when I realized it wasn't the usual place I used to be in I couldn't savour the beautiful smell of the yummy pancakes Harry would make every morning or Louis' voice booming through out the house or those random shouts from zayn directed towards louis couldn't be heard because all of this wasn't there and most of all I couldn't see the happiness and exciting shoot through nialls beautiful eyes when harry would tell him to get down for breakfast. By now tears were dripping down my eyes I took out my phone and went through a few random pictures of me and lads. I really wish to relive those memories with them again. I really do.

*2 hours later*

After a bit of my emotional session I got ready and had breakfast I was going out to familiarize with the city and also if possible look out for some fashion industries. I wore a tank top and low cut jeans with flat pumps since it was warm and sunny I went around many many many places and finally reached home after 6 exhausting hours I visited the most famous places and I also saw Vogue US' head office all I needed now to do was to take a shower eat something and search for vaccancies at vogue and FashT.

Nialls POV

Louis woke up last night and we were heading to the hotel now it was only him and me in the car and ofcourse paul who was driving. "Niall did she really lwave because of me?" louis asked his voice was too dull I had never seen this side of him wow. "Louis I don't really know you know I guess by what she wrote on the note it does seem like that but I don't know why she left I hope we would find her soon"

"Yea maybe she left some clues behind in her room"

"Yea lets hope she did"

Braid POV

I took a nice lo g shower and changed into my pjs. I ordered a sandwitch through room service and switched on my tv to relax a little. I watched some random TV show and waited for my food to arrive. Soon I had a knock on the door and when I opened it a man stood there with a trolley in his hands he handed me a brown paper bag which had a sandwitch in it. I thanked him and gave him a small tip and made my back to my bed.

Nialls POV

We reached the hotel and rushed inside while the boys were hugging louis and talking to him I went inside Brais room and it was neat and tidy there was a bit of cash on the drawer it had a tag on it which said Louis' property I moved it aside and opened her drawer it was empty. Just like that every drawer or cabinet was rather empty or had useless things. I was about to walk out the door but something caught my eye.

Brais POV

I ate my sandwitch and went over to my hand carry luggage and opened it to take out my laptop but it wasn't there. I fucking left it in the hotel room. SHIT.

Nialls POV

I walked closer towards the dresser beside it was lying her laptop ! I can definitely find out where she is yes !

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