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Nialls POV

She leaned in to kiss me but before I could get lost in the beautiful sensation, a loud thud was heard and everything was pitch black. My ears were hurting like shit and I couldnt hear a thing. Suddenly the plane jerked and my whole body was numb I could feel severe pain and faint screaming of the boys and brailey.

Harry's POV

I peered open my eyes and I felt sharp pain in my right leg I looked down to see it covered with blood. I looked around beside me laid Louis lifelessly and zayn was trying to move and liam had his head on the broken seat in front of them niall and brailey were entangled both of them were covered in red blood. It was a horrible sight. Suddenly I heard a blood curling scream.

I lifted my head to see Brailey with her hands on top of nialls face she was searching for soemthing frantically she kept on screaming 'Niall !' 'LOUIS' 'Harry' but I didnt didn't have the energy to reply she fell down and the last sound I heard were the sirens going off. My pain had increased and darkness covered over me.

Zayn's POV

I couldn't move my legs they were trapped under the broken seat on which liam laid suddenky brailey started screaming our names but then she fell down.  It seemed like I was the only one awake. My whole body was aching and tears fell down my eyes at the horrible sight. Soon u heard sirens. I could hear people banging on the metallic body of the now crashed airplane. After some time just the part abibe my head was cracked open by the life gaurds and they pulled me out. My legs were a mess. I could see blood and only blood. I was put on a stretcher I lifted my head a bit to see droplets of blood near where brailey and niall sat the plane was a total mess. I screamed in anger and pain and I was covered with darkness after the paramedics stabbed me with a needle.

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