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Louis' POV

We were dressed and were sent to the arena to perform at our concert but to be honest I was in no mood of having a concert. The only person who I grew uo with, who I took care of for 12 years staright, wasn't talking to me. She always looked at me with disgust and all my strives of prooving to be a good brother went down the drain because of that one fucking sentence on that fucking day. I didn't only realize this that I really had broken her heart but I also realized something that I should've realized way back cause that would've made Brai happy to but nooooo I had to be a dick head.

Niall's POV

We had an hour left before the comcert started and Lou was doing harry's hair Liam was talking with sophia on his phone Louis was in the loo and zayn was changing clothes. I was completely idol. I was lost completely close I am so close to her yet so far. I've come to realize that all this time I've been treating her like shit just to get rid of my fucking feelings. I never ever even thought about her.

My head was resting on my palms which were supported by my arms on my knees my eyes got watery with tears because I felt heart broken I wasn't myself for this long I love het with all my heart.

The cushion on the right side sunk in a bit I looked to my right and I found louis sitting there staring intently at me.

"Niall can I um ask you something?" He asked I simply nodded my head not trusting my voice.

"Um do you love her?"


"Yea, do you love her?"

Ofcourse I loved her but why was he asking this?

"Yes Louis I did before and I still do I've tried everything I could to stoo myself fron loving her but my love for increases  on daily basis. Sorry louis just don't hate me!"

"Mate, its cool you know I was actually to blind to see how much you were in love with my sister and well obviously she is my sister but I admit I became a bit too over protective I thought you guys wouldn't last long but I was wrong. I woukd love to see my sister become your princess."

Louis said and that made me so damn happy I acty couldn't believe it !

"Really?!" I said my voice full of excitement and my face had a huge grin plastered on it !

"Go get her prince charming" louis said to me as he winked and I tackled him in a bear hug. One step down the long road :")

YOOOHHOOOOOOO ! WATCHA THINK ! will she be hers? what was ul with the whole louis situation?  How will niall win her heart?

Muahahahahahah ! Thanks for reading !

Ps. Next chapter by tomorrow ! ::)) some really emotional stuff's on the way ; )

P.P.S. Suggest their ship name pleaseeee




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