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Brai's POV

"Ms. Eleanor and Ms. Brailey, please come with me" a women wearing a dress pant with tucked in shirt and heels told us. We followed her into a room which had two seperations the left side had my name written on it and left had eleanors written.

We walked into our seperate blocks and got on work. I started doing my work on paper first and then I went in the colour and cloth department and chise Black chiffon and sparkle white silk and some silver tissue crapes. My model was sent in and I took her sizes and got on to work.

Nialls Pov

"You have now reached newyork. Fasten your seatbelts we are landing" The lady announced over the speakers. I woke up Louis who was sleeping beside me. "Wake up lou we're here"

I turned around to find the other lads all set to go.

*skipping the whole airport scene*

We were escorted into a cab and were taken to a hotel. We got our keycards and we settled in. This hotel wasn't like the fancy ones we always used to get. It was a normal hotel with normal staff and normal looking rooms. Felt like home :)

Now there's one thing left to do. Find BRAILEY. "Niall we're leaving"

Braileys POV

Done. My dress looks fantastic. It has a black upper body with a single silver studline and below it is a flary chiffon material with puff sleeves of silver tissue crape. TIME FOR MAKEUP AND HAIR.

Sorry for the fillers it will jog up to be fantabulous ;)


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