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Brai's POV

It was around midnight and everyone was asleep and I just couldn't I changed into a pair of jeans and Louis' hoodie and wrote a note telling Louis that I waz going out for a walk and headed out in the living room I walked past Nialls room and I thought of taking him with me but I decided against it because he wasn't in a pretty mood when we got back from simons office. I pulled the hood up and started wandering of the streets of london. Very near was a starbucks outlet so I went in there. There were stikl a few people in there and the que in front of me had 4 guys. The one in front of me had this familiar smell he was wearing a hoodie with the hood up with jeans his hands were in his pockets. Eh whatever. The guy in frint of me finally ordered his coffee and turned around I looked side ways but I think he knew me too cause i felt the familiar sensation of nails digging in my already bruised skin. "What are you doing here?!" Niall asked angrily. wtf is wrong with him?!

"Oh I came here to adopt a baby elephant" I shot back.

"You are in so much trouble"

"You're not the boss of me Niall I am sick and tired of your fucking drama"

"Not my fault that you're just a useless piece of sh-" he got cut off by the man on the counter "Sir i would request you to leave the cafe premises or we'll have to call security you too miss"

Niall glared at me and grabbed me by my hand and dragged me me out of the cafe and brought me into an alley he slapped me on my face and i wasn't shocked at all with his reaction. "You are useless" he said as he kicked my knee and I stumbled to the ground. When I looked up at him he was looking at me and i felt a droplet of water fall onto my face and then I realized that this droplet fell from Nialls eye. I quickly reached up to wipe his tear off my cheek and he noticed me doing that so he quickly turned on his heels and sprimged off. He asks me to be friends in the morning then becomes the monster he was at night and I can't take it anymore because it actually feels like i am worthless. I hope this all is just some twisted dream and I hope to soon wake up.

Alright i do not hate niall and this IS a love story. I love niall and i know he wouldnt do such things so yea. Hope you like the story please comment and tell me how it is :) Love yous ♡


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