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Niall's POV
I woke up, the sun shinning brightly outside my window, next to me laid brai. She looked beautiful. She had sweat beads on her forehead which was strange because the air conditioner was on. I felt her forehead in my palm and she was burning. I scrambled out of bed and pulled the blankets off and saw that she was wearing her bra and underwear only. Grabbing the thermometer out of the bedside drawer, i put it in her mouth and she moaned slightly but was still asleep. 102°. I let her rest for a while praying her fever would wear off soon. Maybe it was just the alcohol acting up and it only made me realize that my head was throbing with pain running in my nerves. I washed doen an advil before going to take a shower to wash off the smell of alcohol on my body.

Brailey's POV
I stirred feeling really hot. My stomach aching and a gagging feeling occured in the pit of stomach. I set up running my hand through my hair. I could hear niall humming faintly whike the sound if the water falling from the shower acted as the background music. I got up, lazily dropping niall's large hoodie and a pair of his boxers on my body and made my way downstairs. My stomach was giving off waves of cramps as a took each step doen the staircase. No one was awake and it was good because i wasn't ready to be teased about being in Niall's clothes. Than i remembered getting wasted last night and now i was prettt sure it was the alcohol acting up. Relieved, i put the coffee in the coffee maker and sat down on the counter top. I felt Niall's arms wrap around me as he kissed my neck. "You still have fever. Are you feeling alright?" He asked turning the chair so i was facing him.
"Yea i guess. My stomach hurts though" i replied stretching, my arm switching off the coffee maker. "Are you close to your dates or anything?" Niall asked, i could hint nervousness in his voice as he asked me about my girl problem.
"Yep, I'm supposed to get them this week" i said blushing lightly. He kissed my cheek before meeting my lips. "You rest for a while, i'll bring breakfast okay?" He said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and pecked me on my lips. He then kissed my forehead before putting on his shoes as he made his way outside the beach house.

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