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I hid my self the boys kept playing and I just pretended that I was asleep even though i was having a breakdown. Someone would lift the curtains of my bunk occasionally trying to find a spot to hide so i had to be very careful. Soon the boys fell asleep and when I was sure no one was awake I crept out of my bunk and went to the kitchen and atarted making my self a cup of coffee. "why aren't yoj sleeping" i heard liams voice boom through the kitchen as I yelped in surprise " HolyCow you scared me!"

i told him. "sorry" he said sitting on the counterchair. "so why are you up?" he asked once again. "I-uh just have a headache" "oh"

"tea?" i asked him

"yes please"

i handed him the cup i was drinking the tea. "Brai I know" he spoke flatly. i nearly choked on my tea. I hope he isnt talking about Niall and I.

"whatcha talkin bout" i said in a wierd accent.

"I know what happened between you and Niall while we were playing hide and seek I was hiding in the bunk beside yours."


"why is he doing this?"

"Liam I really don't know whats wrong I mean i like him a lot and He is mg crush Ive never done anything wrong to him I dont know why he does that to me. Hes been doing thos for a long time!"

i excalimed and liam immidietly pulled me in his embrace and rubbes circles on my back. "its going to be okay dont worry maybe he is going through some bipolar phase."

he said giving me hope.

"you wanna talk to Louis bout it"

"No he'll probably beat beat the shit out of Niall and i dont want that to happen.

"its gonna be alright love, now go sleep i know you weren't actually sleeping. goodnight" he said placing a kiss on my cheek."goodnight" i replied as we walked to our bunks. As soon as i head the pillow i fell asleep Liam had the power to calm me down. I know he is my second brother and he would protect me from anysort of harm.

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