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Third person's POV

Brailey was shaking her eyes were shut close. Her forehead had crease lines.

Her hands gripped on the white sheets and she kept on whispering 'niall ' . Niall? He was in an extremely critical condition. He had a 2% chance of surviving.  He still hadn't gotten out of the operation theater.

Brailey's POV

My mind kept on recalling his words. His face and the tightened grip he had on me. I know he loves me too much and the feelings are mutual. But I don't know if he made it or not. I opened my eyes and lifted my head a bit to take a look at my palms. Niall's blood wasn't there. I looked around the room. No one was there. I picked up the remote control thing and I pressed the only butron on it. Soon a nurse rushed into my room. "Where are my friends and Niall" I questioned her. My voice shaky. "Brailey do not worry they are fine."


The nurse gave me a quizical look at first but then gave in and unplugged me fromt the drip bottles and helped me up and sat me down in a wheel chair. She wheeled me out an entered the room right next to mine. The door opened and there laid harry. He had his eyes covered with his arm. A bandage wrapped around his head and a plaster on his right arm and neck supporter on his neck. The nurse wheeled me rigjt next to his bed and waited outside. "Harry" I lightly whispered as I touched his hand and he flinched almost as if he was scared. "Brailey" he whispered voice cracking he held my hanf in his. "Are you good?" He asked I nodded as I put his palm on my cheek. "You're so hurt"

"Babe you aren't too good yourself" he chuckled wincing from pain.

"Did you see the other lads?"


"Um niall, how is he?"

When he asked that tears started to fall freely from my eyes.

"Ssshhh baby he'll be alright, don't worry" he cooed.

"He was in so much pain he had something stabbed in his back, he was crying and he told me that he'd always love me and I just" I was in total breakdown.

The doctors came in so I was escorted outside and the nurse wheeled me to the rook next to harrys. It was zayns.

He was sleeping so I left. Then she took me to a room a little far from them on top was written 'intensive care unit' I peeked from the window and my heart fell to my stomach. There laid niall lifelessly covered in bandages and attached to several pipes and a heart rate machine.

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