Chapter 1

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The only way not to lose your childhood is to carry it with you even when you become older

It is rightly said, "East or West, one's home is the best".House give us cosiness, relaxation and comfort. Like any other fortunate Kid, Zhuo Cheng also felt the same. He rushed towards his house in the middle of a noisy city.

Zhuo Cheng, "Mommy Mommy! I am Home, where are you.?

Zhuo Cheng's Mom, "In Here Sweets." Called his Mom while packing a huge box of important papers.

Zhuo Cheng, "Mom, what are you packing? And why are there so many boxes?"

Mom, "Well you know we are moving out and have only a week Left. Hence completing this."

Zhuo Cheng, "Mom I do remember, but I still hope not to go."

Mom, "Aww My baby is sulking. You know na that it's best for your Dad's business and also you should be happy to have two new friends."

Zhuo Cheng and his parents were moving to a New mansion, where his dad's Best friend lived.

Zhuo Cheng's Dad, "Hey my lovelies, Hope we can manage everything by the end of this week."

After a week::::;

Zhuo Cheng and his parents shifted to a New mansion, an hour away from the City. There were only a few mansions. Out of which one was of Zhuo Cheng and next to it was of his Dad's Best friend's. After reaching they were welcomed with a huge bouquet and Bottle of wine for elders and cakes and cookies for youngsters.

Zhuo Cheng was introduced to Hai Kuan and Yibo who were twins with a few minutes difference of birth. All three were of the same age of 5. All three became good friends within a day. After unpacking and placing everything, both families called for the day.

The next day Zhuo Cheng and his parents went to Twins House for lunch. Twins showed Zhuo Cheng around and also their toys and other stuff.

After a week of bonding with everyone, Zhuo Cheng's Mom asked how he felt.

Zhuo Cheng, "I like it here. Though I don't understand why Hai Kuan's dad asked me to call him King Dad.? Isn't it a bit weird...."

Mom, "I know sweets, but he loves to be called King. Same as your Dad asked the other two to call him Dad No.1."

Zhuo Cheng and Mom had a huge laugh at both elders' childish behaviour.

Mom, "How about Twins? Do you like them? They do treat you well, right?"

Zhuo Cheng, "Yes, they are very nice. We can be Best friends too. Especially I like Hai Kuan more than Yibo. He is very stubborn at times, but that's ok."

Hearing this Mom was relieved and happy for her kid since he was mostly alone. But now he will have great friends to accompany him.

After a few months....

Today it was Zhuo Cheng's 6th birthday. The whole mansion was beautifully decorated. A huge party was organised as They had two big news to be announced. Many guests were invited. Three different types of Cakes were also ordered. After meeting with all the guests, Both Dad's grabbed the Mic and took to the stage.

King Dad, "Hello My beauties with their beasts, welcome to this evergreen party. I know all of you must have scratched their heads on what announcements we are going to have, so without delay, I announce Mine and My Best friend for life have merged both our companies. Well since My beautiful wife left us years ago, I have this Friend Mate who turned my gloomy life into a rainbow."

A huge round of applause was heard.

Dad, "Thanks to all you and our employees.Well... The Second announcement is ''I am going to be Old faster."

Everyone started laughing.

King Dad, "Haha as if you aren't already?"

Dad, "Hey I am still not that much, but will be in the coming months."

All were Confused.

Zhuo cheng's Mom, "Before He becomes Crybaby, Let me share this beautiful news that We are going to welcome a new family member. Zhuo cheng baby you shall be having a sibling of your own. It's a gift from us on your birthday. Hope You won't be angry with Us."

Everyone again applauded as, after 6 years, they would be welcoming a newborn.

On hearing all this Zhuo Cheng was extremely happy and proud.
He even said, "Mommy I have got the best gift ever. You don't have to worry at all. I shall be the best brother to my brother or sister. I am So so so happy."

Hai Kuan, "Congratulations Cheng, I know you will be the best brother ever."

Yibo, "Congratulations, but let's see how you manage. After all, You are so clumsy."

Zhuo Cheng, "Thanks Kuan, But Yibo you just wait and watch. I'll prove it to you, Who I am.?"

After Cake Cutting and everyone left, Cheng went to his parent's room.

Zhuo Cheng, "Mom, Dad, I am so happy. Thank you for this gift."

Mom, "We are very glad to hear that. So what do you want, a brother or a sister?"

Zhuo Cheng, "I am ok with both. I just want it to come out Fast so I can take care of it."

Dad, "Well Sonny, you need to wait for 7 more months."

Zhuo Cheng, "Huh???? Seven months. It's too longggggg." Hey Baby can you hear me. I am your elder brother, come out soon. How about in 3 months, that's the only time I can wait,no more."

With that, He placed his hand on Mom's Tummy and started talking too it.

Mom chuckled at his words and said, "Baby Even though it can hear you but we need to wait for 7 months."

Zhuo Cheng, "Oooo, but that's too long."

Dad laughed at sulky Cheng, took him in his arms and said, "If it comes early there are chances for it to be unhealthy. We don't want our baby to be weak and sick right? So let it grow and come out at the right time. okay?"

Zhuo Cheng, understanding his Dad, said, "Okay baby, grow up very strong and healthy. I'll wait for you."

With that, He planted a soft kiss on the Tummy. His parents were happy to see this.

After seven months, Zhuo Cheng's Mom gave birth to a beautiful Baby Boy. But due to some complications while delivery both Mom and Baby were kept under observation and no one was allowed to meet them.

By the third day, everything was fine. Both Mom and Baby were shifted to a private room and were also allowed to have visitors. Zhuo Cheng was staying with the Twins all this time. As soon as they heard they could meet, all three of them with King Dad reached the hospital.

As Soon As They saw Baby quietly sleeping in his crib, four reactions were heard.

Cheng, "He is Mine and Only Mine"

Hai Kuan, "He is My Bunny".

Yibo, "I'll make him Mine and only Mine"

King Dad, "He is perfect like an Angel".

So what's going to be in the future......

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