Chapter 5

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It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. What hurts you blesses you. Darkness is your candle. Your boundaries are your quest."

Xiao Zhan was now 5, And others 12. It was Christmas Eve. Everyone was eager to know what Gift others got. First Mom and Dad got short trip tickets. King Dad got free yearly vouchers for a Spa treatment at Best Salon. Yibo received a personalised  Skateboard with His name engraved. Zhuo Cheng received a branded wristwatch. Hai Kuan was given an Acoustic Guitar. Now it was Xiao Zhan's turn. He was gifted with a Lego set by Hai Kuan, an Xbox One by Zhuo Cheng. 

Zhuo Cheng, "Hey Puffin, where's your Gift? Did you even buy one?"

Yibo, "Shut up Gorilla, Mine is out of the World Gift. Here Baby A Star for A Star of my Life."

Xiao Zhan took Yibo's Gift and took it to His Mom to help Him unwrap it. When Others saw the Gift, They were astonished. Even Zhuo Cheng felt that the Gift was incredible.

He even said, "I really appreciate the Choice of Gift but I still hate the Giver."

Yibo had bought A Real STAR from IAU(International Astronomical Union) by Xiao Zhan's Name. It simply meant there was A Star with Xiao Zhan's Name on it. It was indeed the Most Beautiful Gift ever seen. Everyone was really happy with this but Xiao Zhanie made a pout and Said, "I am angry with Santa. I had something else in mind, not all this. He didn't Gift Me That. Mom, am I not a Good Boy? I behaved nicely by eating fewer cookies and ice cream also. Then Why didn't Santa Fulfil My wish?

Yibo, "Baby didn't You like Our Gifts.?"

Xiao Zhan, "I loved all of them. They are Superrrrr Best. Best of the Best, But it was My wish, which I had written and kept in Stockings. Mom said at night Santa comes and reads our wishes and fulfils them. So I am asking Where is that Gift?"

King Dad, "Angel always remember, All Your wishes will come true no matter what. Do you know why????

Xiao Zhan, "No"

King Dad, "It's because You are an Angel, Our Very Own Angel. And No one will make Angel Cry or be Sad. You are the Purest Angel, how can We or Santa make you sad?"

Mom, "Yes King Dad is right Baby. Your Wish has also been fulfilled. Go check for yourself, it's outside, Go-Go."

Xiao Zhan and others immediately rushed outside to know what that Wish was. A Beetle Panache 20 T Fixed-Gear Bicycle was standing proudly at the entrance. Seeing this Cheng and Yibo both Yelled, "Dangerous".

But Xiao Zhan yelled more loudly, "YESSSSSS" He even ran to each one of them and kissed them.
He even said, "Thank You All. Love you all. Thank you lots Santa. You are the Best...." And Ran towards the Bicycle.

" And Ran towards the Bicycle

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After adoring It for some time, He called, "Who's going to teach Me. Come Let's Start Right Now."

Seeing His Excitement, All were feeling happy except Two.

Cheng, "Mom Seriously, How can you give him such a dangerous thing.?"

Yibo, "First time and maybe last time, I also agree with Cheng. It's so dangerous. What if He loses balance and gets injured severely or He rides on the Main road, How many vehicles would be there."

All Others grimaced at These two. They just shrugged off and asked Baby Zhanie and Hai Kuan to go for His First Ride. After some days When Older kids returned From School, They found that Baby Zhanie was taken to hospital as He had fallen from Bicycle and broken his arm. Knowing this Yibo and Cheng were so Angry with everyone, as They had brought this nasty thing. 

Yibo, "I had predicted this before but Our words had fallen on deaf ears. Now see for yourself. Poor Baby must be in so much pain."

Cheng, "Wait, I'll just sell this filthy thing once and for all."

Hearing this King Dad said, "Don't even think of it. It's normal. Kids do fall and get hurt, even you guys faced this. No need to stop Angel."

Yibo, "But Dad we were more careful Than Baby. We never got ourselves Hurt."

King Dad, "So! Big Deal! He shall also learn. And Mind you, I'll send Him abroad, If You Both Stopped Him from having His childhood."

With a heavy heart, both Yibo and Cheng waited eagerly for Xiao Zhan to return. After a while, they were back with a small plaster on His right arm which would be removed after 2 weeks. Xiao Zhan was very gloomy.
Seeing Him, Cheng rushed to Him and softly said, "No worries, Sweets You shall be fine in just 2 weeks. But please Munchkin Let's not Ride that Beast again. Hmm Please na.?

King Dad, "I can hear you, Dork, I told you earlier Stop or else say Goodbye to Your Artery and Veins!

Mom with a confused look asked, "WHAT Artery and Veins are you talking about? 

King Dad, "Well Cheng feels Hai Kuan is His Artery and Xiao Zhan his Veins. I saw Him draw a few days back."

Cheng, "That was not Hai Kuan or Xiao Zhan as such. I was drawing an Abstract Art for Science project. They were shapes of Body parts. And I don't remember adding Their names. I just mentioned K and Z."

King Dad, "Oops! My Bad! I thought it was Hai Kuan and Xiao Zhan. 

By now Dad had entered with a tub of Xiao Zhan's favourite Ice-cream. He heard all and said, "King, You love to Mess, Don't You.?

Laughing foolishly, King Dad went away from there leaving all banging their heads.

Dad, "Feel like I have made Goblin as my Friend. But He was right Though. If You don't stop your antics Then will keep Xiao Zhan away from You."

Both Yibo and Cheng Looked down as they knew they had lost the game. After 2 weeks Xiao Zhan was Back to ride His BLU. That's the Name for His Bicycle. His two Pets were called Brownie and Milky.

Xiao Zhan had the Best Life with Most Caring and Loving families. He never had any problems.

But Who says Life Hates Problem. 

Life without Problems means Life being Lifeless......

Guardians of An Angel (YiZhan version) Completed.Where stories live. Discover now