Chapter 44

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Life when it decides to throw you into darkness it sees to it that there are no doors for you to escape. But it does leave a small window.

Just as Zhan and everyone thought their Life now had only one obstacle, Life sent one more towards them. It was Saturday evening when they received the most heartbreaking call. It was from Joey's doctor. He had asked Xiao Zhan to come immediately.

Zhan and others immediately left for the hospital. Mom stayed back to look after Xiaoqi. Though she did try to join them, Mom made her understand to visit the next morning.

As Zhan reached the Hospital, Joey's Doc met Him and told Him that Joey's health has started to deteriorate. It's better to spend as much time as possible with Him. Hearing this Zhan felt as if somebody had pulled the ground below his feet. If not for Yibo to hold Him, then Zhan would have surely fallen down.

Hai Kuan, "But doc wasn't he recovering? Then how come all of sudden. I mean there has to be some treatment we can follow. There has to be some way."

Doc, "I know and we are not one doc team, it's a team of seven doctors who are trying their best. But the problem is we need time and that's what his body is not giving us. It's a fight against Time. For now be with Him."

Before they could argue further, the nurse came running and asked the Doc to rush to Joey's room as He is again having issues. Doc and others ran towards his room but only Doc went in; others were asked to wait outside.

It was more than 2 hours of waiting when finally Doc came out. All of them gathered around Him.

Zhan, "How's he now? Can I visit him?"

Doc, "I am sorry to say this but Joey's body has gone into septic shock. He has no more than an hour left. We have already tried to revive him 3 times. I am afraid we won't be able to do so for the fourth time. He is asking for You Zhan. Go meet him. Sorry Guys. We can't help much. Sorry"

Zhan rushed inside. He felt immense pain to see Joey attached to so many machines. He broke down into tears but managed to control himself to face Joey with a smiling face. Yibo and others were the same.

Zhan went near Joey and took his hand and tried to speak, "Hey Baby! How.... How do you feel now? See Who came to visit You? It's your Favourite Grandpa. Won't you say Hi?"

KD, "Hey Kid. Won't you tease me by calling me Grandpa. You know till date It's only You called me that."

Joey though was in pain, smiled and said, "'t be able to let you hear that from now on."

It was uncontrollable for everyone.

Joey saw Yibo in tears for the first time, hence asked him to come near and tried to touch his face. Yibo bent down and let Joey touch his face a little.

Joey, "Big brother, Our Uncle is really crying. Never knew He had tears in His system. Though he always had those fake ones. Hey Uncle these are really precious don't waste them na."

Yibo can't utter a word. He gave a hug to Joey and only said, "Don't Go please."

By now Zhuo Cheng and Zhan were crying hysterically.

Hai Kuan, "Joey Baby. Tomorrow we will bring Xiaoqi here. She wanted to meet you. Mom will also come. She will be very happy to see you. So Let's.....let's....wait na..." He was also in tears.

Joey, "Uncle Hai Kuan, Big brother calls you Bestie right? It suits you as you can make anyone smile in the best way."

He then turned to Zhan and said, "Don't cry na. I don't like to see you in Tears. I want you to fulfil my last wish. I know big brother I don't have much time left. Am aware of my condition so don't give me false hope. I want you to promise me to sign the documents for organ donation." Joey said this with a ragged breath.

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