Chapter 27

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Life is Unpredictable.Not Everything is in Our Control.But as Long as You are with the Right People,You can handle Anything.

Zhan was still feeling down. Mom entered and said, "Baby don't be disheartened. We will make them understand. Let's first recover."

KD, "Don't worry Guys. I have already planned everything. Leave it to Me 😉"

Dad, "What are you going to do now? With that sly look of yours I am 100 no 1000%sure it's not good"

KD smirked evilly and said, "You have no idea, How excited I am feeling. Finally I'll be able to show my Brilliant Genius Mind."

Mom, "Honey I am getting a really weird feeling about all this."

KD looked at Zhan and said, "Buddy Just Believe Me. So now let's get started. Okay!"

Zhan saw He had no option but to go with KD's plan. After a few hours KD came back and asked Zhan to follow Him. They reached Yibo's room.

Seeing them again Yibo frowned.

Hai Kuan, "What's going on? Why are You Back?"

KD, "Well We have slight changes. From Today onwards Zhan is going to be in this room. I have cancelled His Room."

All were shocked. Yibo angrily looked at Zhan and said, "What are you upto Now?"

Zhan flinched and was about to say, but KD held his hand and said, "It's my work. Since I am paying for your medical expenses I don't want to pay extra. It's useless to spend so much on hospital rooms. We need Two Beds for You both, we have it. Why spend on two whole Rooms?"

Zhuo Cheng, "We can pay from Our Cards If that's the issue."

KD grinned and said, "Well I have put stay on all your transactions. Your savings have also been taken away. You have to share this Room with Him, In short."

Yibo, "How can You be so Cruel. You know what, You are extremely bad Demon."

KD shrugged his shoulders and said, "Sonny tell me Something I don't know."

Hai Kuan, "I don't believe This. How could you cut off our pay? On top you even cancelled our cards."

KD, "Well You can see it anyhow you wish to. According to me It's Cost Cutting or Saving money for My retirement. And it's so stupid when two partners are staying in different rooms where as they could be laying in each Others arms, cuddling and kissing, doing adult things. You should be happy, I am giving you so many chances to become Gardener and you acting like Virgin Mary.You should be doing something AWSFUL not AWFUL."

Cheng got confused and asked, "What Gardner? What's AWSFUL?"

KD, "Gardner who can deflower (winked)any Rose anytime and Though it might be awful but it's secretly awesome too. So AWSFUL."

Zhan flushed after hearing this. Yibo still didn't want KD to win hence said, "What Rubbish are You saying?"

KD, "Hey I am Logophile. Not My fault That You are WokeFishing all the time."

Hai Kuan surrendered and said, "What makes you think it's going to work anyhow? And now what's WokeFishing? Another weird word from Your Brainly App."

KD, "Seriously You Guys have ancient vocabulary. WokeFishing means to show ''You are a more Updated version but still in reality are actually Dumbos."

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