Chapter 22

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The truth is, we all face hardships of some kind, and you never know the struggles a person is going through. Behind every smile, there's a story of a personal struggle.

It's been more than 12 hours now, Since Zhan went missing.There was no clue of Him. Where was he? What was happening with Him? No one had any answers to these.

By Now Hai Kuan and others had also reached. To say they were devastated would be understatement. First time ever everyone saw Mom breaking Down. She was Queen of this Family. Always Headstrong and Fierce full. She was Like Untamed Lioness who would pounce on anyone who wanted to Hurt her family. But today She had turned into Timid, Scaredy Cat, who was looking helplessly at everyone to save her baby. Pleading everyone to help Her. Begging to bring her baby back.

"Listen all of you, I don't want to know what my baby is going through or where He is, all I want is My Baby back in my Arms. I need My Baby back to me in one piece. I need My Baby returned back to Me. Please I beg you All..... please....... Please.......I don't care about Mark and His crime, but if He is behind all this then I'll go and ask Him Myself to give me my baby back. I don't mind begging Him. I don't mind even if he asks me to kowtow. All I care is about My Baby." Mom Let off a heartbroken wail while saying.

Dad consoling Mom said, "Yes Love. We will bring Our Angel Back. We will do everything possible to have Our baby back."

Zhuo Cheng went near Yibo and Hugged Him. With non-stop flow of tears He said, "Just Tell Me, My Baby is Safe. Please...... I know You can Feel it. Just tell me He will be back to us.... You..... You can feel Him Right..... Just.... Tell me He is alright....Please.... Please... I know You can feel it.....You are His Soulmate isn't it! I know that If You are all Fine then My Baby shall also be Alright.Please just ...just......Help Me.. ..."

Hai Kuan who was sobbing silently came near and hugged both and said, "We will bring Our Angel Back."

With determination in His Eyes, Hai Kuan went near Mom and said, "No matter what happens, We will get our baby back. We are still alive, we are breathing hence Our Angel is also doing the same. Our Bonds run deeper. If Guardians of Angel are Safe then Will be their Angel too. His Guardians are going to fight till their Last breath, but bring Our Baby Back Home safely."

KD patted Hai Kuan's Shoulder and said, "I am with You Son. Our Angel must be fighting for Us. Fighting for Himself. We shall also do the same. We won't give up no matter who stands or comes in front of Us."

Hai Kuan grabbed Yibo and said, "Look at Me Buddy. Look at us. We need You. Our Baby needs You. Our Angel needs His Guardians to help Him, guide him, fight for Him. Let's Do it Bro. Please try to get yourself back."

Though Yibo was Lifeless,looking at Hai Kuan, He felt something flicker in His Heart. Something was telling Him to fight this Darkness. It was as if a New wave of energy made its way in His Heart which was turning into Ice glacier. A small ray of hope made its way into His Mind. 

Yibo, "I'll not sit still until Our Baby is saved. Hai Kuan, Cheng Let's Bring Our Angel Back."

Quinn who was listening to all also felt an immense amount of energy to work on this impossible rescue mission.

Quinn, "Great. Let's get all the help we need. We have to plan out every minute details. It's going to be an impossible rescue but we will make it possible and successful too. Hai Kuan and Cheng you got to infiltrate this Auction House. So we can know when the Auction is going to be held. KD, I need you to Meet and make friends with one of the Guests, so it would be easy for You to enter. Yibo, I want you to follow Mark's every movement. Whom He meets, Where he goes, gather as much information as You can. But be careful not to be caught. Dad, you and I will go and meet all of His cockroaches and see if we can get the clues and evidence against That Motherfucker."

With that All Started working with firm belief and faith that They will Save Their Angel.

On the other hand. ........

It was still dark. There was only a small window for ventilation. Whole Room was filled with the foul smell of alcohol and blood. The Boy who was earlier beaten got back to His senses. His whole body was aching badly. His vision also was not very Clear. Struggling with His numb legs He somehow managed to walk nearby where there were more boys like Him. As He tried to look around, a boy smaller than Him supported Him as His Body was still feeling a bit numb. The short Kid made the Tall Boy sit next to him and gave Him stale bread to eat as that was the only thing given to them.

With Lot of difficulty, Tall Boy faintly said, "What is your Name?"

Short Boy, "I am Joey."

Tall Boy, "Where are we? You seem too young to be here. What's your Story?"

Joey, "I am 13 year old. My Mom had taken Loan from these Evil People. But She died and I was left alone. I asked these people to give me some time, but it's as If They are Deaf and can't hear. They brought Me here. I think this is the place Mommy used to call Hell."

Hearing such innocence, Tall Boy remembered How He also behaved when He was with His family. Suddenly Tall Boy started crying. He felt tremendous pain. He wanted His Safe Haven. If only He had listened to His Family.

Seeing Taller one Cry,Joey wiped His Tears and said, "Don't Cry Big Brother! Mommy said, Nothing bad happens to Good Kids. We will be saved too. We need to Be Strong." With that He showed His not so visible muscle.

Even though it was Painful, but Taller one smiled on Joey's antics. He patted Joey's Hair and said, "Yes Your Mom is right. We will get out of here. I will be Strong and Fight for Us for My family and for My Love. I know He would leave No stone unturned coming in His way to reach Me and Rescue me."

All of sudden their Room was opened and Few Men came inside. They started pushing and making all the Kids stand in a row. After a few minutes they made two teams. One team was of Girls and another of Boys. Girls were then taken to different rooms.

Boys were made to stand beneath A Huge Shower. When the water was released The force was so strong that even though it was meant to clean them but it hit them Hard. Tall Guy whose body was already aching, started paining more. The force was quite unbearable in the start, but later on He was able to endure it.

After shower They were sent to another room. Here they were thoroughly checked. Rather than checking, the kids were actually manhandled. The Men were trying to abuse kids. They were being humiliated. Whoever resisted were Slapped harshly. Their Bodies were Shaved thoroughly including private areas. Their nails were trimmed. They were made to wear Collars around their necks, and their hands were handcuffed. All the Kids were still kept Naked. After gruesome torture, Two men entered the Room and started inspecting each Kid. By the End they asked 5 Boys including Joey and the Tall one to be kept away with the rest of them.

"Take these 5 away from others. They are Golden Eggs. Need to Train them for Hatching" said the Two Men and left from there. Joey and other 4 were then brought into another Room Which looked more like Lab as It was Bit lighted and had the smell of disinfectant sprayed.

Not Knowing What the Future Holds, All 5 kids waited for their future to tell them What's going on or What Shall Happen Next?????????

Guardians of An Angel (YiZhan version) Completed.Where stories live. Discover now