Chapter 21

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Author's Note::::

From Now on Chapters would be a bit Angsty, Mature and Painful. It might not be comfortable for a Few, But it's true in many cases.

"We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey.If you are positive, you'll see opportunities instead of obstacles.

Zhan and Yibo were living Calmly. Though Zhan was under watch 24*7 still they were a bit relaxed.

It was the 4th day...

As usual, Zhan got ready to go to UNI. He had been away for quite a long time and hence didn't want to delay his studies more. As it was nearing the end of all His classes, Zhan was about to make a call informing Yibo that His class will be over in an Hour and Yibo can come to pick Him up. Just then one of His classmates informed Him about extra classes to be conducted and they need to stay back for 2-3 hours More. Zhan for once thought it must be false but When His Teacher also confirmed it, He called Yibo and told him about this.

After talking to Yibo, Zhan was again asked by the same Classmate if He would like to grab a quick snack. Since it would take more time Zhan said Yes, falling for the Worst Trap set only for Him.

After 2 hours Yibo called Zhan to know about His classes but was met with an unreachable ringtone. Having a hunch that something is very Weird, Yibo immediately went to Zhan's Uni only to Meet with the Gatekeeper saying Uni was closed 2 hours back and Now No student is left inside. Yibo also found A guy unconscious near the parking lot and a few passersby trying to wake the man up. As He reached to See who it was, He froze in His steps. It was none other than their secret Bodyguard allotted to look after Zhan.

Everyone was panicking. It's been more than 2 hours now for Zhan to be missing. Yibo was lost. He was Lifeless. His Soul was missing and He had no idea what to expect or where His Life is? Quinn had put most of the policemen in search of Zhan.

Yibo angrily asked Quinn, "Where the Hell is That bastard? Why are you wasting time? Just get hold of That Devil and if He is not answering just Shoot Him. I am telling You to bring back My Zhan or else I will burn this whole Town."

KD, "My Son, calm down. We need to stay focused. Let's be positive. Please. Get Yourself Together."

Yibo pulling His Hair in frustration said, "How Dad just How? We have no idea what Our Baby must be going through?Where He must be? My baby......My Love ..... He must be so Scared.....He must be calling for Me..... Dad...Dad..... I need to go and search for Him. He must be calling My name... I need to go ...... I need to go Dad......"

Yibo, who had lost his senses, started walking towards an unknown path. Quinn grabbed His hand and slapped Yibo. Everyone was shocked.

Quinn, "Yibo, come back to your senses. Where do you think You will Find Him?. We need to think before we act. And about Mark. I already have inquired about His whereabouts. He has been with the Mayor since morning. He has an alibi. We can't do anything for now. Instead, we need to find clues which can help us."

By now 3 hours had passed...

Hai Kuan and others were also made aware of the situation. They were shocked, feared and also panicked. They gathered their luggage and waited to catch the earliest flight possible.

Meanwhile, in a dark room, a boy was lying unconscious. After a while Boy whimpered. He tried to open His eyes. But it was too dark to see anything. As He tried to get up He felt dizzy. Still, Somehow He managed to get Up. He tried to speak but his voice was trembling. His vision was blurry. He was not able to make out Where He was nor What was happening around him. As the Cold breeze passed through, He felt cold and realised He was completely naked.

Gaining more consciousness, the Boy also heard faint sobs, screams coming from nearby. Somehow He managed to see clearly what was around. He found there were more young girls and boys in the same manner as Him. They all were naked too. Some were crying, some shivering and some were completely numb.

After a few more minutes passed by, a Few Men lad in black came there. They were smoking something disgusting as it emitted a very foul smell. It seemed they were drunk. As soon as they saw all the kids state, they started mocking them, touching them, molesting them.

When the Said Boy was about to be touched by one such Man, the Boy resisted very fiercely.

Whimpering, the Boy said, "Don't you dare touch Me. You Filthy Beast. If you want to see another day better take your hands off Me."

On hearing this All the other Men gathered near the Boy. One of them Slapped Him Hard. The Boy staggered and fell wincing as He was still dizzy and was taken by surprise. A hard kick on the side came next. By now all had started giving blows to the Boy. Each blow gave the Boy feeling worse than the last hit. They were beating him mercilessly. He was now covered with Black and Purple bruises, Bleeding.

"What's going on Here" A harsh Voice was heard across the Room. Everyone turned to see Who the Voice belonged to. A tall dark muscular Guy stood at The Door with Cigar in Hand.

"Stop fooling around and get back to work" ordered the Big Guy. Hearing Him, the other men stopped beating and came out of the Room leaving the injured Boy laying down.

After being beaten badly the Boy could only mutter someone's name .... Saying so He again fainted.

Back to Yibo......

Quinn and His search party were looking for Zhan in every Nook and corner of the City. They were asking every history sheeters. Quinn had even asked all His Whisperers to get information about all hidden or known drug dealers.

Yibo and KD started asking homeless people, nearby stores and also passersby if they had seen Zhan.

Even after trying hard, there was no clue about Zhan. It was as if He had just disappeared into thin air.

One of the whisperers came and told Quinn about something He found from His network. On hearing It Quinn immediately called Yibo and KD to His office.

As soon as Yibo reached Quinn's Office, He barged in and yelled, "Where is Zhan? Did anyone find Him? Where is He? How is He? He is absolutely fine, right? Why are You silent? You called and said You found Zhan, so Why aren't You saying anything? I am asking Where is Zhan?"

Quinn sighed and said, "Listen to Me First. What I am about to say is Very Crucial. Please try to be Calm. I haven't found out about Zhan exactly, But there is news about something Which can be related to Zhan."

KD worriedly asked, "What's wrong Quinn. I can feel it's Bad News. What is it?"

Quinn, "A large group of boys and girls are going to be trafficked near the state border. There is going to be a Huge Auction of Antiques in the next State"

Yibo confusedly looked at Quinn and said, "What does all this have to do With My Baby? How is He related to all this?"

Quinn breathed out and said, "It's about Human trafficking. There is going to be an Auction of Enslaved kids. Our Zhan maybe.......... is.... with this Group. And He has been abducted and is going to be Sold in this Auction."

It was as if Yibo's Heart stopped beating died. He was not able to hear anything around Him. He was unable to breathe. He fell to his knees.

Crying hysterically Yibo said, "My Baby....... Enslaved.......My love..... auctioned ....... What will I do Now.......? My.....My Zhan......Dad... Uncle...... What should I do Now......"

Who was that Boy? Was it Zhan? Where was Zhan? Will Zhan be saved on Time?????????

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