Chapter 19

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The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone.Regrets only apply when we don't learn from a situation.

Quinn, "So what's decided??

Looking at everyone, Zhan with firmness said, "We will do as You say.I am Ready to Play SnowWhite."

Quinn relieved, "Great Now Let' the Party begin.! First and foremost,We need to act just like before. Kid You even need to Stay with Mark and also ...."!

Seeing hesitation in Quinn, Mom asked,
"What also ...???

Quinn, "Also You need to drink that GreenTea He gives you."

To this Cheng yelled, "What? How can we allow that? After knowing what's in that?"

Quinn, "Because that's the only way to make Mark believe that we are still unaware of his doings. We need Him to Trust You like before. Then only He will keep involving Zhan. We need Him to keep His Trust on Zhan intact."

KD, "I know it's very dangerous, but We have to do it. We are already Neck Deep in This."

Quinn, "Right Now He knows it was a Robbery case and we will keep it like that. Let's Hope everything turns out Good."

"It will be Good, Since I am Here". A Voice came. Mark with a smiling face entered. He was holding a Red Rose Bouquet.

The moment everyone saw Him, all winced but they had to control their rage.They even thought how much Did He Heard.???

Mark, "Hey partner. How are you feeling now? What has Doc said so far? When can He be discharged?"

KD though was angry still said, "In 3 days as He is better than before but won't be able to walk so soon. It will take one week for cuts to Heal."

Mark, "Oooo. We should be glad that He wasn't injured deeply. Don't worry since I am here all will turn Good. But What were You Guys worried for?"

Dad, "We were just consoling Angel that He won't Be in Dire situation anymore Like this one's."

Mark, "Oh I promise You Partner I'll see to it that Our Condo has more security from now on. I am Sorry for not doing it before."

Quinn saw everyone would Burst any moment hence intervene and said, "You should do it as it's for your own safety."

Mark saw Quinn and said, "If I am not wrong aren't you The Superintendent of Police.?"

Quinn, "Yes,But I don't remember meeting you Before. Sorry if Offended."

Mark, "No no Sir. It's just that I have seen You in Newspapers and TV. Never thought I would be meeting You in person and that too at Such place. Sorry I haven't introduced myself. I am Mark, Zhan's Friend."

Quinn, "I am KD's friend and here to visit Zhan. Nice to meet you."

Mark again went near Zhan and said, "Hey Buddy bought these Beautiful Roses for You to bring Your Rosy Blush Back and also Got Your favourite Green Tea too. I know how boring food here would be."

He even asked for a mug so that He could pour the Tea. To say Zhan was frightened would be understatement. He was Hell scared. He looked to Others for Help,but the Moment His Eyes fell on Quinn He knew that He had to take that Tea and drink it too. Seeing All this was too much for everyone, especially for Yibo. The moment Mark had walked in Yibo was boiling. He wanted to break each and every Bone in Mark's body. God only knows how He was controlling Himself. He had already Killed Mark the moment He claimed it was His and Zhan's Condo, But had to extinguish the fire burning in His Heart.

Mark gave Zhan the Green Tea. Zhan with shaking hands took it. He saw Yibo and Cheng holding their anger. Even Hai Kuan had clenched his Fist in anger. Mom prayed that some miracle would happen and Her Baby is stop drinking this poison.

The Minute Zhan brought the Mug to His Lips and was about to Gulp it, An on duty Nurse entered and asked What Zhan was drinking? She even asked all of them if it was ordered from Hospital? She even said if they gave Zhan anything apart from the Diet Chart alloted for the patient it would be violating hospital Rules.

KD smirked evilly and said, "Ooo we didn't know that. Sorry Ma'am for violating hospital Rules. How about I take You for Coffee Date as an apology."

Nurse blushed to KD's flirtatious glance and shook her head and said, "No need. Just make sure He Has What's written on His Chart."

With That She went away. All Blessed Her mentally.

Dad, "Sorry Mark. But I think Zhan won't be able to have this Green Tea."

Mark though was irritated,but kept on with the facade and said, "It's Ok Uncle. We should First think of Our Angel's recovery."

Cheng angrily said, "He is Our Angel not Yours"

Hai Kuan though unwilling but had to handle the situation said, "Sorry Mark,But My Hubby doesn't like Anyone to call Zhan Angel apart from Us. Hope you forgive him for his behaviour."

Mark smiled and said, "No need Hai Kuan. I know how much Possessive His Big Brother is. Well I guess I'll have to leave as I need to go for an important meeting. Buddy please take care and get back soon. Miss you Badly."

With that He left. Once He was out of sight everyone let out their suppressed Anger. Yibo threw the bouquet out of the window. He even went near Zhan and started wiping His Hands where Mark had touched. Zhan shamelessly asked Yibo to Take Him in His arms since He was scared and wanted to cuddle in His safe haven. No one felt weird as all knew Zhan needed Yibo more than any of them at this moment.They also Left as all needed to calm themselves too

Yibo without delay took Him in His arms and started singing softly to make Zhan relax. Within a few minutes Zhan had drifted off. Yibo was still cuddling Zhan when Cheng entered with Coffee and sandwiches for Yibo to have. He asked Yibo to have it and also asked if He is Ok.

Yibo was drawing soothing circles on Zhan's back and said, "I am scared, angry at myself more than that Bastard. Our Angel was with Him for Six Months.I feel like Shit.. What if He had done.......I......"  He wasn't able to finish, but Cheng clearly understood What Yibo meant.

KD, "Don't blame yourself Son. It wasn't your call.If Bad is going to happen,it will happen no matter how much you try to run or Hide. It's just that Luck to be with You and save you on time.And Prince, Our SnowWhite has luck on Her side."

Hai Kuan, "King is right Bro. Now all we need is to save Angel ASAP."

Quinn, "Don't worry Guys. We shall overcome all the Bad Luck."

Mom, "Well at least We know What Our Enemy wants and Turntables in Our favour."

Dad, "I think we should personally Thank that Nurse for helping Us Today."

To this KD smirked and said, "That's already done Tenderfoot."

Everyone was confused. They looked at the King with curiosity.

KD, "WHAT? You Think Your prayers were answered. That Nurse just came on time. No Dickheads. It was Me and Quinn who made Our Genius Brains act. We messaged His Doc and asked His Help When You all were focused on Mark and Zhan."

Cheng, "I never knew You were this useful. All I knew was An Oldie Whose Mouth ran faster than cheetah."

Quinn, "Don't Underestimate This Punk here. He is the worst. Devil disguised as Angel. Past life He must be Ninetailed Fox."

KD, "Well I have Mouth and Brain which work perfectly fine and Not like Yours which has become dull and boring. I suggest You should get Your Brains thoroughly scanned for any defects. Anyways We need Doc to give Us something like antidote or meds so that Zhan won't have any effect from the drug anymore."

Though All were feeling scared for what shall happen tomorrow,still relieved for today's events.......

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