Chapter 33

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Warning: R18+ Ahead. You are warned.

There is always madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness."

In the morning Yibo was acting very weird. He was constantly whining over each and every thing. He even cancelled His physiotherapy session.

Hai Kuan, "What's wrong with You? Why are You acting like a Brat?"

Yibo just huffed in anger and said, "As if anyone cares! Even if I am rotting in here, No one will care enough to help me.!"

Zhan was feeling bad hearing this. He went near Him and asked, "Why do you feel so? Have I or anyone else hurt you unknowingly?Just what makes you say so?"

Yibo just glanced away and closed his Eyes. Hai Kuan saw this and asked Zhan to let Him be.

Hai Kuan, "Let it Be Bunny. He will come around. I seriously feel He is paralyzed from the brain rather than legs. Take a rest as tomorrow morning will Take you Home. Don't try to do all the packing, Mom and I will come early and help you out. Come, Xiaoqi is waiting for Us. Let's spend time with Her rather than wasting on this Sulky Baby."

Zhan sighed and asked, "Alpha, Please Tell Me What is wrong?"

Not getting any response, Zhan again sighed and went out with Hai Kuan. Yibo saw them leaving and pouted. He was really sad. He even uttered to Himself, "Can't You see the reason for Yourself. Fine If You don't care, I won't tell you." With that He laid down looking at the ceiling and slowly drifted off.

It was evening by now. Still Yibo was sulking. Hai Kuan and others were about to bid goodbye when Cheng suddenly yelled.

He said, "Holy Shit. I almost forgot Baby will be Home after such a long time. This calls for celebration and Haven't planned anything for it. Mom, please , I need Your Help. Let's at least do something before He comes tomorrow."

Zhan, "Captain No need. Don't exhaust yourself. It's okay. Will plan something When Yibo is also with Us."

Cheng, "Why should I celebrate His return? I am so Happy to see Him Alone here, and we all will be enjoying it."

Hai Kuan, "Is this why you have been sulking since morning? My God. Bro You srsly need to Grow Up. Aren't You Happy to see Bunny recovered.?"

Yibo with a sad face, "I am happy. But I will be left alone in this shit dungeon."

Zhan, who now understood everything, shook his head and said, "Alpha You are not going to be alone. I'll visit You everyday. I promise. And Whole day one of Us will accompany You."

Yibo, "But I want only You. And not these two Armadillos. This Bed is also sooo Big for Me Alone."

Cheng's face palmed and said, "Even on Deathbed You will think of having Him. Pervert Gibbon."

Yibo scowled, "Don't come on Me, You have Your num nums daily. I just started yesterday and tomorrow will be closed down. Its like I ordered Large Orange Juice and got a teeny-tiny glass of a Thimble."

Everyone laughed at His antics. Zhan grinned and hugged him and whispered something to which Yibo smirked and said, "Promise?"

Zhan nodded. All understood and bid goodbyes. Afterwards Zhan asked Doc for removal of the IV bandage which was wrapped around both His and Yibo's palms.

Doc gave a sly smile and said, "It's a Silence Zone, so deciphering needs to be really low. Just wanted to inform."

Zhan flustered and gave an angry look to Yibo for making Him hear all This.

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