Chapter 11

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Distance teaches us to appreciate the days that we are able to spend together and distance teaches us the definition of patience.

All the preparations were in full swing. It was like a festival. Everyday was fun filled.

Parents were busy with Zhan's accommodation in the States. Mom was personally going to Check His Dorm and other stuff. She was going to go with Zhan and would return only after feeling assured that Zhan wouldn't have any troubles. Sam and his family were also going to help with accommodation. At first Dads and Yibo were also accompanying Him,But then It was cancelled.

It was Yibo who had cancelled it. When asked He gave the reason that there are some issues with Visas. Everyone had accepted it, but One person knew it was White Lie.

Zhuo Cheng, "I am really scared to send Baby to the States, still. How will he manage all alone? What if something happens?"

King Dad, "Don't worry. We have our sources. Will make sure he is protected."

Zhan felt annoyed, "Captain, I want no one to come to my rescue, till I ask for it. What's the use if I get the same treatment as here?"

Yibo and Kuan, who were listening,bwalked up to others.

Hai Kuan, "Love Let's have faith in Our Cub. He is Strong Simba. He Shall defeat all the demons."

Yibo held Zhan's waist and pulled Him closer and said, "My Cuppy Cake may be Sweet but can be Sour too. Don't underestimate Him."!

King Dad, "Ohoooo!!! So You know the taste 😜. I didn't know this.Is it Honey flavour or Caramel.??? What is it?

Sam, "No King I guess it must be Melons or Oranges".

Dad, "I feel it must be Peaches"

Hai Kuan, "Why don't we ask the one who has tasted it. Come on Yibo, tell Us What's the Taste??

Yibo blinked at Zhan, "It's Mix of Chocolate and Strawberries."

Hearing all This Zhan glared at Yibo and Ran away from there. He was blushing profusely.

"How can they be so Shameless? My God.! They were discussing it as if it was not Our kiss but a Fruit cocktail." Zhan screamed, holding his Cheeks.

Mom chuckled, "But I guess it must be Ambrosia or Waldorf."

She smirked and asked, "Tell Me na. Which one is it?"

Zhan yelled, "Mom Not you too.!At Least You Take My side."

Mom, "Well My First time tasted like Waldorf."

Hearing this, Zhan turned Red and again ran away from there.

Mom saw this and laughed at His cute reaction. She joined others and asked, "Well even I would like to know, Yibo say na....!

Yibo at first laughed with all, but within a few minutes He was crying bitterly. Hai Kuan immediately held Him in his arms. Everyone was now teary.

King dad, "God This is Hard. Will Miss this laugh. Hope Our Sunflower doesn't stop blooming."

Yibo sobbing in Hai Kuan's arms, "It Hurts a Lot. Please Help Me."

With Tears Yibo went and grabbed Sam's hand and said, "Please, please promise me you'll take care of Him. Please Tell Me I am not doing anything wrong By sending Him away. Please I beg You, I shall do whatever you ask Me for, in return just take care of Him. PLEASE please please....."

Sam held Yibo's hand and said, "You don't need to beg Me Buddy. He is part of Our Family. He will be Our top Priority. Don't Beg Buddy."

Everyone assured Yibo that nothing will go wrong.

King Dad, "Yibo Your Mother would always say, You Really Can't Hold Onto Someone, because The Tighter You Hold Onto them, The More They Want To Slip Away. All You Can Do Is Love Them and Make Sure They Know That You're Never Going to Slip Away. So Sonny Trust in Your Love and Make Sure He knows to always come back to You."

Everyone smiled with Heavy heart. Yibo wiped His tears and said, "I'll be Fine. I am Sorry. It's just..... just I am scared. But I'll be Fine. I am Fine. Let's Help Zhan with His packing."

Yibo just walked away from there.

Zhuo Cheng, "Guys I am worried for Yibo. Will everything go as planned???

Hai Kuan, "I know Yibo is hiding His pain. He even lied about the Visa thing."

Mom, "How about We at least make Him distracted by throwing a party and make Him a bit Busy.

Though they were reluctant,they would do anything to lessen Yibo's pain. Hence it was decided to have a small party in the backyard. Everyone started preparing for it. By evening all was set. All had gathered in the backyard. They decided to have Karaoke.

King Dad and Dad fought over whose voice was better.

King Dad, "Thank God Song ended. All I could hear Frog croaking."

Dad, "As if Your Voice was melodious. It was as if Mad Dog Barking."

Mom, "Enough boys."!!!

All others laughed. Now it was Zhan's turn. He hummed, "City Of Stars"

Are you shining just for me?
City of stars
There's so much that I can't see
Who knows?
I felt it from the first embrace I shared with you,
That now our dreams may finally come true

City of stars
Just one thing everybody wants
There in the bars
And through the smokescreen of the crowded restaurants
It's love
Yes, all we're looking for is love from someone else

A rush
A glance
A touch
A dance

A look in somebody's eyes
To light up the skies
To open the world and send it reeling
A voice that says, I'll be here
And you'll be alright

I don't care if I know
Just where I will go
'Cause all that I need's this crazy feeling
A rat-tat-tat on my heart
Think I want it to stay

City of stars
Are you shining just for me?
City of stars
You never shined so brightly....

It was really Beautiful. The way Zhan sang was mesmerising. Hearing Him, Yibo and Zhuo Cheng both couldn't stop themselves from crying. Zhuo Cheng took Yibo and silently left from there. Cheng knew Yibo's feelings. It was too difficult to let Your Love Be away for a long time. Whenever Hai Kuan would go on a business trip, Zhuo Cheng felt very lonely. He would be worried about Hai Kuan's well being. Even though Hai Kuan would call Him in between, Cheng still felt sad. Cheng knew how much painful it would be as Zhan would be gone for a very long time. Hence He consoled Yibo. Hai Kuan also joined them.

After some time they returned back to the party. Seeing Zhan laughing and enjoying it, Yibo forgot His pain. He knew That His decision was painful but if it made His Love Zhan Happy, He was ready to endure the pain.

Let's Hope the Future Brings Happiness.....

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