Chapter 35

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Support is the number one thing when it comes to fighting a mental illness. There is no stigma in this group.There is no judging. We aren't here to judge.

Zhan rushed towards Zhuo Cheng and KD as soon as they entered Home.

Zhan, "What happened? Why did I need to lie? What's going on?"

KD, "Relax Angel. Come Sit and I'll tell you everything."

After all settled down, KD sighed and said, "Yibo created a huge Chaos. He was not ready to stay alone. He was forcing the Authorities to give Him discharge."

Zhan, "But Why?"

KD, "You always felt insecure, Weak. But today I can say You are the strongest in Yours and Yibo's relationship. You have Anger but You even have a Composed Mind. Whereas Yibo has a very flustered one. You think of everyone but Yibo only thinks about You. You want to see each one of us Happy, but He wants only Your happiness. You said You wanted to be strong, but Trust Me, my son is more Weaker than You."

Zhan looked confused.

KD, "Confused? Ok! Answer Me If tomorrow You need to save Either one from Me or Yibo whom would You Save?"

Zhan, "I would save both of you.Why?"

KD, "I knew it. Now answer on behalf of Yibo. Whom do you think He will Save if it's Me and You?"

Zhan hurriedly answered, "Obviously He would save.......! He was not able to complete the sentence. Zhan understood What KD was saying.

KD, "You know that He would save You. For Him only You,Your life matters. Your Smile,Your Life's tiniest thing matters to Him. Do you really think He saved Joey? No Sweets. He did not. He actually risked His Own Life."

Zhuo Cheng, "Yes Baby. King is Right. That time when You asked Him to prove himself, I could see Anger overpowering Him. It seemed He would either save Joey or get himself killed if He couldn't save Him. Hai Kuan tried to Stop Yibo, but Yibo was not ready to listen. In fact He even asked me to look after You if anything happens to Him. Hai Kuan and I were Angry on You for asking Us to do so. What if Yibo was unsuccessful?"

KD, "Cheng let's forget all that, for now Yibo's health is more important. Angel what We meant is Yibo is way too Over Possessive. It's very Unhealthy for your relationship. Did you know He called a few NGOs and complained to them about the Hospital for not discharging Him. He even harassed The Nurses and Ward boy, so that Doc would sign His papers. When that didn't work, He put the TV on a loudspeaker and disturbed other patients. HE did all this to be with You. His condition was either You be there or He is to be released."

Zhan felt a bit ashamed and embarrassed both at the same time.

Zhan, "What am I supposed to do so that Our relationship works? I don't want to lose Him. I love Him just the way He loves Me. I'll do everything possible. Please Help Us."

KD, "Angel, Don't worry kid. We will always be there with You and Him. Let Me call The Doc and Let's take His advice too."

KD video called the Doc and updated Him.

Doc, "Xiao Zhan first and foremost Don't take any Stress. All You have to do is to keep one thing in mind is to never do things which gives happiness to your partner only. It has to have Your consent also."

Zhan, "Means not to give in to his demands? But what if it makes Me look selfish thinking only about myself."

Mom, "No Baby. We need to Say No At times. It doesn't mean We are selfish. But Doing Everything for sake of One's happiness sometimes suffocates Us, which is not at all good for any relationship. Yibo loves you more than His own Life, But His over possessive Nature may need to be controlled. As tomorrow You May not Like it and then It would rise into fights."

Zhan, "I don't understand why Captain and Besttie doesn't need all this. Even He is of the same nature Like Alpha."

Doc, "It's because Zhuo Cheng loves Hai Kuan also. He treats You both equally. Hence His heart is balanced. Whereas Yibo has Only You. His whole Universe revolves around You."

Cheng, "In short He is an insanely Block- Headed Buffoon."

Zhan pouted and said, "Don't call Him names. He is Sweet but Right Now maybe He has become Sour."

Zhan was feeling very guilty but also confused. He looked helplessly at Mom. Mom saw His troubled Face and said, "Baby Don't take stress. It's not a very serious issue. Happiness can be found in the Darkest of the Time, If We Only Remember to Turn on the Lights."

KD, "Yes Angel. We all are there for You both. Remember, Love is passion for You, obsession for Him but No matter What it is After all Its Love. Someone You can't live without. You both are Head over heels for each other. Maybe Yibo loves You like a Crazy Psycho, But You can make Him understand and Create a Beautiful World of your Own. He uses His Heart, You use Head and balance Your Relation. Don't stress out and get worried, For You are The Strongest in Here. You are not Weak or Immature. You are Unique as You Love Him Irrevocably."

Hearing all this Xiao Zhan felt extremely Determined. He made up His mind to give his 1000% into this. He asked all the do's and don'ts from The Doc and Went to His Room.

By Now Yibo had woken up and First thing He did was to call Home. Zhan assured Him, He was doing Fine and would Meet Him next day. Yibo asked Him to spend Whole Day and Night too, But Zhan managed to make Him agree Till Evening. Zhan would return back in the evening. At first Yibo did disagree but eventually agreed.

Next day morning as decided,Zhan reached Hospital with KD. As soon as they entered, They found Yibo Yelling at One of the Staff Members.

Zhan, "Alpha! What's going on? Why are You scolding and Yelling? Besttie What happened?"

Hai Kuan with a sad face said, "Well, this Morning State Authorities came and took away Xiaoqi. They would send Her to Orphanage home.Its the Rule, hence Hospital staff couldn't stop Them."

To this Yibo angrily said, "Rules My Foot! They just didn't want Her and discarded Her like an unwanted Toy. Like Hell. I am warning You All, Give Me the details or else I'll Sue this Hospital right away. How can You even think of something like this and that too Without informing Us?"

KD, "Son We are not her legal relatives that They would ask or inform Us. Still I have sources, I will Try to get Her information. Just stop Giving Headaches to the Staff. They are just doing their job."

Zhan, "Alpha, Please Understand the whole thing. You want to bring Her back, just control your Anger."

Hai Kuan, "Bunny We can't do that. We need a very Valid reason to bring her back. We can't just go against the Rules."

Yibo scowled and said, "Bro You Stop with This RuleBook shit of Yours! I want Her back with Us. That's it! End of story."

KD, "But Why and on What Grounds? Listen Once We get to know Where She is We can Go and meet Her there till She is not adopted by someone."

Yibo, "Have You all gone insane? I don't believe this. How can You take this so lightly? What If someone fools them and sends Her into another abusive household. How can You or They guarantee that She is in Safe hands? How can You Trust strangers? What If She doesn't Like That Family?"

Zhan, "But We Can't do anything. It's How the System works. What more can we do?"

Yibo, "I don't care. All I know is If bringing Her back means I need to adopt Her legally then so be it. I'll be her Legal Guardian, but She will Stay with Me, with Us and that's final."

Hearing this All were Shocked......

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