Chapter 32

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When you focus on being a blessing, God makes sure that you are always blessed in abundance.

Next day morning Everyone was very excited to have their Mini Tea Party. It was as if everyone had become a kid. It's been a long time since they had done such a thing.

Xiaoqi entered with Nurse Ann. She had brought Barbie, a Teddy bear, Tweety and Doraemon plushies with Her. She immediately went over to Zhan and started looking around.

Xiaoqi, "Umm, Where is Ken?"

Zhan bit his lips with nervousness. He was really a bit scared as He had not arranged for one. Just when He was thinking about what to say, Zhuo Cheng opened a box and brought out Ken. Seeing Ken, Xiaoqi squealed, "Ye ye My Barbie Got A New Friend."

Looking at Her happy smile, Everyone felt Happy. Hai Kuan brought out Cupcakes and Waffles. Xiaoqi placed all Her plushies in Circle and She also sat with them asking Zhan to sit Next to Her. She then first fed all her plushies (an act where kids play feeding toys)and then gave each of them to the elders too. After serving everyone She took the Last left Cupcake. She just took one bite of it and packed it back. 

Seeing this Hai Kuan asked, "Baby Why are you packing it? Didn't like the flavour. Want some other flavour?"

Xiaoqi, "No Uncle. I'll have it later on. Mommy always used to make me do so. As we were never allowed to have such food every day. So Mommy would save it and make me eat little."

Everyone felt bad hearing this. Hai Kuan, "Baby You don't have to do that anymore. You can have them everyday. In Fact Whenever You want to Just let any of us know and we will get it for you."

Her Eyes twinkled and She clapped happily, "Really!! I'll tell this to Mommy once She is back from her Job."

Zhan was feeling very bad but still he could not stop himself and very hesitantly asked, "Do you know where your mother goes to work?"

Xiaoqi, "Yes. She has gone to work at Santa Claus's Gift Factory."

Zhuo Cheng was a bit confused, hence asked, "Santa Claus's Gift factory? Who told You about This Sweetie?"

Xiaoqi, as if counting on her fingers, said, "Many days Back Mommy got a letter for a new job. When I asked Nuna, She told me, Mommy is working at Santa Claus's Gift Factory Now. So now  Whenever I need anything I just have to tell Mommy at night and She will let Santa know and He will check if I was a good girl or not and if I am then I'll get my Gift."

By hearing this Zhan couldn't stop Himself from crying and He didn't want Baby Xiaoqi to See Him so, hence He walked away and hid inside the washroom. Even Yibo had Tears. 

Hai Kuan with heaviness asked, "But Baby What if Santa can't send the Gift on Time?"

Xiaoqi, "Then also it's Ok, because Mommy always said We should wait for Our Gifts, maybe Santa is busy with other babies. There are so many babies na. So He must be busy. When he is free will send me my Gift. Last Night I asked Mommy to ask Santa to make Big Brother Happy and see Today He is not crying."

Zhuo Cheng, "Yes Baby You are right. Thank You for asking Your Mommy's Help."

Xiaoqi, "I am also Happy. You know Uncle Now Mommy will never Cry. As She is with Santa Claus Now and Nuna says Santa Uncle can never see anyone sad. I am right na?"

Nurse who was listening said, "Yes Baby You are Right.!! We couldn't tell her the real reason, hence Made all this up. It was very difficult for All of Us to answer Her regarding Her Mommy."

By Now Mom made Zhan come out and He also had calmed down. He went and made Xiaoqi sit on His lap. He was caressing Her Hair and said, "Baby Let's finish Our Food then we can Play on the iPad, or You want to do something else?"

Xiaoqi thought for some time and said, "Can We Play in the Garden?"

Cheng, "Ya sure Baby. Come let's finish The food first and then go out."

After finishing everything, Zhan first went to Meet Joey with Yibo, and Hai Kuan-Cheng with the Nurse took Xiaoqi to the Garden.

Joey smiled seeing Zhan, "Hey Big Brother, So happy to see You.!"

Zhan, "How are you feeling now?"

Joey, "Just Bit pain above my stomach area. Rest I am all okay. Who's This Uncle?"

Hearing This Yibo scowled at Zhan who was laughing.

Yibo, "You are enjoying this way too much aren't You!"

Zhan grinned and said, "Well Can't Help with this."

Just Then KD entered and asked, "So This is Baby Joey!"

Joey, "Big Brother Who's This Grandpa?"

Now it was KD who growled at Yibo and Zhan as They were laughing madly.

KD irritatedly said, "Look First Who Are You calling Grandpa. There is No Grandpa here. If You are calling Me one then let's appoint For Eye specialist for Your Eyes. I am King. You can call Me King Dad or KD. Call Me Grandpa and will Make Your Ancestors dig out from their graves."

Zhan, who could hardly stop laughing, said, "Joey, This Uncle is Yibo. My would be Husband and This Grandpa is My Father-in-law."

He even Whispered, "Don't Talk about their Ages or else They turn into Angry Hulk"

He again smirked, "We get that very Clearly, don't We!!" With that He even winked at Joey.

Joey grinned seeing Two elders acting kiddish. He nodded, "Yes yes very clear. Like water, crystal clear."

Zhan and Yibo chatted for some time. It was Time for Yibo's exercise, so Zhan went towards the Garden where Kuan-Cheng were having Fun with Xiaoqi. Zhuo Cheng was sitting on Bench with Xiaoqi watching Hai Kuan trying to chase after Butterfly. He was trying to catch it, But moment He tries it flew away. 

Xiaoqi, "Uncle Hai Kuan, Your Big Hands has a hole. It helps the Buttery to run away. No use. We need small hands."

Hai Kuan pouted and sat down next to them. "Sorry Baby. Do You like Pet animals? We have two kittens as Pets. I can ask officials if they allow them here in the outer part. What do you say?"

Xiaoqi, "Really!!!! I would Love to play with them. When will You bring them? What do they eat?"

She started bombarding All Three with many questions. Three could just laugh out at Her excitement. They answered as much as They could. It was almost time to call for the Day. Hence all returned to their Room for rest. Kuan-Cheng went back for their respective work. Yibo also returned from his physiotherapy. Xiaoqi was asked to Go back and come Next Day and spend Time with them. In the Evening Doc informed All about Zhan who could be discharged two days later.

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