Chapter 42

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Childhood is the best of all the seasons of life, and the longer it lasts with happy memories, the stronger the emotional stability in adulthood."

After having Lunch, All gathered in the living room.

Quinn, "Without wasting any more time, let's get back to main work. Shall we?

Everyone nodded.

KD, "Shoot Lucifer, We are all ears."

Quinn, "Yibo, I have already asked the lawyers how you can also be Xiaoqi's Guardian. It's simple. We just need to add a clause in Cheng's and Zhan's NOC contract stating that They want You to be part Of Xiaoqi's Upbringing and have full say in concern for her future. So for now You are also part of her life legally. Next, We have filed a Charge-sheet against Mark and the lawsuit is already in Court. You all will receive Summons and a letter for attendance within a week."

Dad, "Well! Sorry, but Why are you so pissed off? I mean so far there is nothing to worry about right?"

Quinn was about to say something when his phone rang and after he ended the call, his expression made everyone curious.

Quinn sighed and said, "I need Tea. I can't take it anymore." Just when He was about to get up, His phone rang again.

Quinn angrily said, "What! How careless You guys can be. It's been three weeks and you are informing us now. Let me warn you if it doesn't go back to normal, Pray to God to save your ass. All I can guarantee you is that there is a guy who is waiting to Chop your head off in a blink of an eye. Hang up now."

With that, He just got up and grabbed a bottle of water and gulped the whole thing in one sip.

Quinn looked at Yibo and worriedly said, "Umm! Xiaoqi is a bit sick. She has stopped talking to everyone since the day she was brought to the orphanage. She only nods or says one or two words that also only if asked. They thought it was because of the new environment but it's been 3 weeks and she is still the same. The kid is in a kind of depression state. They are calling us to visit her and help them."

By Now Everybody stood up. Yibo's eyes were bloodred hearing this. Zhan knew Yibo would go berserk if not controlled hence He rushed and hugged Yibo.

Yibo didn't hug Zhan back, in fact, he just closed his eyes for a moment to calm himself but it was not helping.

Zhan, "Please.... Please calm down. She will be fine. She will be fine."

The more he said it, the more it triggered Yibo.

Yibo grabbed His arms and pushed him lightly. He was standing with furious expressions, he balled his fists tightly so that his nails dig deep into his palm. With a high pitched voice and looking angrily at Quinn He said, "Pray to all your ancestors to save you and those fucking orphanage people, For if I find anything more You will face my wrath. I am getting My Xiaoqi back today itself. Try to stop me if you can. Do hell with your laws. I don't give a damn."

Zhan and Hai Kuan both tried to calm Him down and tried to open his fist. Red marks were visible.

Zhan with a pleading said, "Please Alpha...please... calm down. It hurts to see you this way. Please.

Hai Kuan, "Buddy! Calm down. We will get her back. But for now. Please you need to think rational.

As soon as Yibo released his palm, Zhan again embraced Yibo and tried to make him calm. This time Yibo hugged back. He inhaled Zhan's scent and tried to calm his anger down. Zhan patiently patted his back and said soothing words. He even kissed Yibo's temples.

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