Chapter 29

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Warning:: Little R18 ahead..

If You don't Know the Meaning of Your LIFE,Then Make Your Loved Ones Meaning and Use Them As the Only Reason To Be ALIVE.....

After a few hours Mom and Dad entered and saw All four kids sleeping comfy in each other's Arms. They didn't want to disturb hence went away.

Few minutes later Zhan was the first one to wake up. He saw how the other three had cuddled together. He was feeling extremely loved. This was what He was missing. This is what He would have missed if all had not worked out. Thinking about what he was about to lose, made Him guilty, sad and remorseful. Not to let anyone know He tried to hold his Tears but it seemed as They were bonded from Souls, that all woke up at the same time and asked Him Why was He so sad.?

Before Zhan could say, Mom and Dad  also entered.

Mom, "So I see You all are Back!

Dad, "It's really Good to have everything back on track. But there is something We need to handle for Now."

Seeing Shock faces Mom said, "What!! Did you forget about What happened a few hours ago?"

As they remembered, Yibo immediately said, "Mom, we need to arrest that Fake Doc."

Cheng, "Yes And also see to it that He gets maximum sentence."

Dad, "Well We can't do that.... As He has turned into a Victim."

Hai Kuan, "What do you Mean?"

Mom, "Why don't You all ask Who the Main Villain is and for the punishment I have a perfect program for that."

By saying so KD with Oliver and Quinn also entered. Oliver had many bandages on his face. One of the nurses came and informed them that He had a broken Nose, Lips bruised and also a swollen Eye.

Mom, "Can We have the confession Now?"

KD gave a nervous smile and said, "Well..... This Guy was planted By Me. And He is Quinn's Man. I did everything for You Guys to Get Back."

There was complete Silence. After a few seconds, Yibo, "I don't believe this. You tricked Us. All of it was staged. What about You Zhan, Were You also part of this nonsense."

Zhan flinched to Yibo's harsh Voice and said, "No I mean Yes. I mean not for Today but was part of it for other days. I.... I am sorry. I really didn't want to but I was losing You. You were so Angry with Me. I had no option...." By now He was sobbing.

Zhuo Cheng took Him in arms and said, "Hey Baby! It's okay. Just don't do anything as such again. We are also Sorry for treating you so Badly. In fact it's our fault to make you feel bad and also make you Cry."

Hai Kuan also patted Zhan's Head and said, "Sorry for everything Bunny. We really Love you more than Our lives. But That doesn't mean We can forgive what KD did!"

Yibo, "Yes KD do you have any idea how dangerous Your plan was. If We are a bit late, Baby would be so traumatised. How can You even think of putting Him through all this?"

To this Mom said, "Exactly! How dare You put My babies in trouble. I have seen Your worst stuff but This was not only the worst but also a bit overboard. You need to be punished and You have no say in it. Guys Today I am going to share Few secrets of this Devil and Let you choose how to deal."

Hearing this KD instantly went pale. Everyone could see KD scared. It was First time for Four kids to witness this. Though they were shocked but also curious to know What can make the King of Demon Scared.

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