Chapter 23

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IF you are scared to face your struggles, then you feed your fears. But when you face them with courage you conquer them.

As discussed, Hai Kuan and Cheng joined the Auction House. They got jobs as janitors. KD made friends with A widow who was a regular at such Auctions. She would buy gigolo for her entertainment. It was very easy for KD to get acquainted with Her.

Dad and Quinn who were looking for Mark's helpers found a very important lead. They found one of the main dealers of Mark. His Name was Eddie. He was a drug dealer who remained in the shadows. He was caught while supplying one of the Quinn's planted Teenagers.

In the Interrogation Room, Quinn, "Speak Up!! Where are Others! Who's your Boss! Do you know About Zhan! Listen We are least interested in Your Other Deals. All we need to know is about Zhan! So speak bastard!!!!!

Seeing Eddie quiet, Quinn ordered His men to use all means to make Him Speak. His men started torturing Eddie. Even After gruesome 3 hours They still were not able to make Him speak. 

One of the Officers, "Sir I highly doubt This Bastard will open Up. I recommend we release Him, but keep a watch on Him. I am sure He will contact His Boss."

Quinn, "Hmmm! Let's do that. Any Leads from Yibo?"

Just then Yibo entered Quinn's Office. He had clicked many photographs of Mark with different people. He also found out that Mark is planning to leave the Country. Where it was not known. Yibo saw they had held one of Mark's acquaintances. His Blood Boiled seeing That Guy released.

Yibo angrily said, "Why are you letting Him Go?"

Quinn, "We can't hold Him. Even after beating him black and blue, he is still quiet. Don't worry Our Men will follow Him."

After 2 days They found Mark's Right Hand. His Name was Robert. After torturing, threatening, they couldn't make him Speak. 

Quinn, "Where is Zhan? Speak Bastard.! Where is Zhan." He slapped Robert Hard.

Still Robert was not uttering a single word. Yibo was getting restless. He asked Quinn to let Him interrogate. Though it's not allowed, Quinn knew they were running out of Time, but He can't allow Yibo too. Hence He called His Last option. He asked one of His encounter specialists.

Quinn, "I need information Blake. I don't know how you do it , but you have to get me the answers."

Blake, "Ok Just Give Me an Hour."

After waiting for An Hour, Blake came out of the Room with dishevelled clothes and Hair.

Blake, "He is all Yours. But don't Scold Me for the Mess"

Quinn, "Devil!!!

Quinn and Yibo rushed into the Room. They saw How the Room was messed up. Chair was broken, there was Blood coming from Roberts Head. He was withering in Pain as He was beaten badly at His private parts. They somehow managed to make Him sit and asked about Zhan.

Yibo, "Where is Zhan?" 

With great difficulty Robert said, "I don't know anything about Zhan, but all I can say Is Mark is going to Zurich through Cruise. He will be escorting 5 Golden Eagles. Rest have No Idea."

Before they could further ask Robert fainted. He was rushed to hospital, Where He would be treated under strict observation and would again be arrested.

Quinn and Others had gathered at His office.

Cheng, "So is Our Baby going to be at the Auction House or not?"

KD, "That dirty eating piece of Slime, Sum sucking Pig, Son of a Motherless Goat. Like Hell we are suffering here and He is packing for honeymoon."

Yibo was silently thinking about Zhan. He was wondering how Zhan was coping. He knew His Love was strong, but was still doubtful about the torture He would be facing. He prayed that His love to be safe.

On the other hand......

Joey, "Hey Big Brother let's sit here it's more airy. Hope they give us food Today."

Another Boy, "Not just Food at least one piece of cloth would be great. Don't You all Feel ashamed!"

Joey, "But we are all Same, food is All I want. What about you, Big Brother? I don't even know your Name!!

Tall Guy, "My name is Xiao Zhan. I'm 17 years old. What about you all?"

Other 3 kids introduce themselves as Drake, Felix and Simmon. All of them were 16 yrs old. Only Joey was 13.

Just then Two men entered and asked all 5 kids to stand. They were given a piece of rug cloth to cover their lower part and a jug of water to be shared by all 5 and porridge instead of stale bread. At first Joey was happy to see porridge but his face saddened as they would be fed only once. After a few minutes 3 more men entered. One of them was the earlier guy who had fought with Zhan. 

He came in front of Zhan and said, "Awwww Baby You covered Your precious. How will I Enjoy Now?"

Zhan smirked, "You're the reason God created Middle Finger and as for other things I feel You talking or rather complaining about Your Sore Vagina."

Evil Guy, "How dare you mock Me.!! Wait till I make You Beg"

Zhan, "Did You forget to Pay Your Brain Bill that it has stopped working.!!!! Did You took Me as someone who gives a Damn"

By Now Evil Guy was boiling as His friends also started laughing at Him. He rushed towards Zhan and threw a hard Punch across Zhan's face. Zhan's lips got bruised. He was about to throw another one when someone said, "Hey don't Ruin His Face. It's more valuable than Your yearly Savings."

Hearing this even though Zhan felt pain He smirked and said, "Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, I have Five Fingers, The Middle One's For YOU"!

Before Zhan could say more, One of the men dragged the other Guy out of the Room. While Others evilly grinned, one of them said, "Good to see your spirits so High, Let's see till how long will you be able to hold it High. You think You all will be Saved. This is Your Worst Nightmare and Help will never reach You."

Zhan smiled to this and said, "Don't You Guys ever get Tired of being slaves!"

After mocking them, Zhan tried to Sit down. Joey and others ran towards Zhan and helped Him to Sit more comfortably and also fed Him. The Evil Guys just slammed their feets angrily and walked out from there.

What's going to happen from now on?????

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