Chapter 41

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Life doesn't come with a manual, it comes with a mother. A Mother holds their children's hands for a short while, but their hearts forever....

Zhan took the box and opened it. There was a letter beautifully wrapped in a blue envelope. There were two pairs of hand-knitted mittens also. There were initials embroidered on them. There were many photos and also a few things in it.

Hai Kuan took the letter. On the front side, it was written for My First Most Favourite Man. On the backside, it was written to be opened by Yibo. He handed it to Yibo.

Hai Kuan, "Buddy!! She wanted you to open it. Let's read it together. We all are here."

Zhan gave a side hug to Yibo and said, "Yes Alpha, go ahead."

Hai Kuan and Cheng held their hands and sat next to Yibo. Yibo took a deep breath and opened the letter. The paper had turned very brittle. Since it was folded for a very long time it took a while for Him to unfold it. He started reading it.

It said, "Hey My Baby! It's your mama here. If you are reading this then it means I am not next to you. But it also means I am inside you, safely tucked in your heart. You know, there are 26 alphabets and there are some beautiful words from those alphabets. Like from B we get Baby, D has Daddy or Darling💞L has Love, Life, Laugh from it. But for me, Alphabet Y holds a special place as it gave Me MY Yibo. It also means Mommy Misses Yibo. Missing You All. Mommy Loves You a lot. Yibo, You are My first favourite person. When I had You, the doctors had informed me that You are very weak and needed more care than Hai Kuan. I was so scared knowing it. I always felt that what if someone breaks your heart or does something evil. Since birth, you have been very sensitive. I knew as you would grow, You would become strong but also it meant you to be even more sensitive. I don't know how old you are as of now, but I am sure You must have grown into a very dashing handsome hunk. I don't know if you have found your lover or not, but if the person is reading with you now then tell that person I bless him or her and also Thanks for choosing You. I shall ask all the Angels of this Universe to bless this person and also grant all His or Her's wishes. I bless Your partner from the bottom of my Soul. I also want to tell that person that, I may have given Yibo Life, but really, You as His partner would be the one to Give His Life a Meaning. Just wanted to make a small request, please take care of my precious as He may be a grown-up but his heart is of a toddler."

Yibo and rest were now crying nonstop. Yibo hugged Zhan and said, "I can't read further. Please.... Please... I can't..."

Hai Kuan nodded and also wasn't able to stop himself. By Now King and Dad also entered the room.

KD, "Ohhh! So You guys finally opened the box. Can I have a look?"

Hai Kuan handed the letter and also asked if He could read further.

KD, "Hmm, I...I will read it."

It said, "Yibo, remember Mommy will support you always. How I wished to be there and See you holding your partner's hands and smiling. I don't know why but I wished to be alive again. I am missing many things, aren't I?"

KD, "Shit! I Miss her too. She can still make me cry." By now even Both elders were in tears.

Dad took the letter and read, "Let's get back on track. Yibo baby I wanted you and Hai Kuan to have these Mittens, for when you both were born we had received so many gifts that there was nothing left for me to buy of my choice. Hence I hand-knitted these Mittens for You both. Hope you will cherish them."

Both Yibo and Hai Kuan held the Mittens and kissed them.

Dad further read, "I also have kept a few of your stuff as memories. Here You will find some photos. My first ultrasound of you both. Your very first time standing and also your first steps.The first day of your school. I had even made King keep your first school uniforms. Sounds weird right? But it's not just the first day of kindergarten, it's also the first time when you face the World. From that day You will be having your own ups and downs. You shall be with strangers. You will learn new things. You will learn to Trust, Support, Love and Make a New World of your Own. When a kid walks the gate of his school for the first time it's His first step out in the World away from His parents Heaven. In here He learns to survive. He learns to adapt. I had asked King to keep all of Your first timers' photos secured. First stage performance, Academic report, and few more. Lastly You must be thinking Why I call You my First favourite and not My husband. Well For A Woman It's only Her kids who make her complete. Hai Kuan, Yibo you gave me a whole new meaning of Life. And Yibo, You were always my first priority as you always needed more care than Hai Kuan. And also More than Me Your Dad has someone who can take care of Him. By Now if he is reading with you must be cursing my ancestors. Must be even searching for Me, thinking if I have returned as a spirit. But Tell Him, I shall reincarnate as a human and be back in His Life. We all four have many afterlives still left to spend together. Baby say, ''Thanks to Cheng's Dad as He is the only one Whom King Needs in his Life."

KD, "My God! I still have her on my Tail. Even after so many years She still makes Me Cry. How can I survive such a brutal woman? God bless Me please."

Dad, "You deserve Her for harassing Me 24*7. I am happy someone is out there to take revenge on my behalf."

KD grimaced, "How Cruel of You. I thought you might be happy having Me all for yourself."

Dad, "Ewww! I made a mistake when selecting Best Friends. But My Karma is good hence had the Queen to teach you a lesson."

They went back to read the letter, "Lastly, I will always be there for You both. Never ever think Mommy left You. Baby If it was in my hands I would have given up anything to be with You. Yibo Baby, Mommy loves you and Miss You too. If I look back at everything I've done in life, you're the best thing I've ever created. Trust Me Baby I want to be there, hold you in my arms. But...... God....I am Sorry..... Baby Mommy is Sorry for Leaving You.... Sorry...... Very Sorry..... I Wish I could have lived a bit more..... Sorry."

There was stain on the paper which had dried up. Hai Kuan and Yibo rushed and hugged KD. He patted their heads. Zhan was in Cheng's arms. Dad was patting Cheng's hair. All were in Tears.

It took a while for all to calm down.

KD held both kids' hands and said, "Boys! Remember for us parents it's never first kid or second kid. It's always two kids or three. We never say I have first and second. We say I have two kids or a single child. Raising a family is not a walk in the park, My Son. You'll be faced with challenges along the way, but when You have your family by your side it's like walking on a bed of roses. When I had called you as Second in line was not because I had other intentions. I simply said it."

Dad interrupted, "Yeah since he has no sense of how to talk. Still if you feel bad I'll make sure He apologise in front of all."

Yibo, "No need Dad. Now, I know you love me the same as Hai Kuan. Sorry for bursting out. I am Sorry for saying all hurtful things. I am Sorry for hurting You all. Please forgive Me. Please..."

KD, "It's okay love. You realise your mistake and have a clear mind now is all that matters. In Fact I am thankful to you. As you finally read her Letter. It was making me scared for such a long time. Now I can have my peace of mind."

Zhuo Cheng, "Why scared?"

Dad, "He thought that Maybe She left some weird wishes to be fulfilled and it would make him Bald. Like buy her some island or build some memorial in her name."

Hearing this, all laughed at KD's mindset.

KD, "Oh! Don't blame me. She was unpredictable. Who knows it must have crossed her mind, but then forgot."

Hai Kuan, "Oh come on Dad! She would never ask for a monument."

With that they all had a small laugh. Few minutes later,

Dad, "Well let's go for now as we still have to talk with Quinn, Remember."

Yibo surprisingly looked at them and asked, "He is still there?"

KD, "Has Lucifer ever left so soon? He will go only after sucking our Soul."

They all went back.

They saw Quinn and Mom sitting across each other with serious expressions.

Mom, "Yibo, How are you feeling now? You okay? Let's have lunch first. All must be tired."

Dad, "Why do I feel That This day is going to be from bad to worse."

KD, "I Told You Before, He is No Good News."

Mom, "Stop fighting! Finish lunch first."

Though it felt heavy in the atmosphere, They all were ready to face whatever was going to Come in Next......

Let's see what happens Next....

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