Chapter 2

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"There would always be that moment in your childhood that defines who you soon become.”

After a week, Baby Xiao Zhan was brought home from the hospital. 
When Mom entered, She saw the house was beautifully decorated with welcome home Angel Banners and many other things. There were white and blue coloured balloons everywhere. Zhuo Cheng also made a handprint on his favourite t-shirt which Said MINE. Seeing Zhuo Cheng, Yibo also did this with ONLY MINE written on it on his T-shirt.

Hai Kuan and others were laughing at these two dorks.

Zhuo Cheng, "Yibo You Better get rid of that top of yours."

Yibo, "Aww Why.? If you wear such, I shall also wear it".

Cheng, "But it's for My Baby. I'm warning you, he is MINE."

Yibo, "So I also did it for My Baby. Will see whom he belongs to."

Zhuo Cheng with anger grabbed Yibo's T-shirt and was going to rip it off, but Yibo also held his and said, "You Tear Mine, I'll tear yours."

As Hai Kuan and King Dad both tried to release both kids from ripping their clothes, Baby Zhan cried aloud because it was his feed time. 

Mom knew this but to make both kids leave each other she said, "See Your fight disturbed Baby. Zhuo cheng is this how you are going to take care. Leave Yibo and sit quietly, I'll make the baby quiet."

Zhuo Cheng, "How dare you make my Baby cry. Wait when I get free, I'll tear that thing." He scowled at Yibo.

Yibo, "He cried because of your loud barks. Let's see who wins."

Hai Kuan, "Shut up both of you. Stop acting like idiots. It's just a t-shirt. What's wrong with it.?"

Zhuo cheng and Yibo both said, "It's for Baby and He is MINE"

Dad, "Oyee what's all this? He is still a week old. You three are his and he is yours."

Zhuo Cheng, "Noooo He is only my baby brother".

With that, Zhou cheng started crying and also hit Yibo angrily.
Even Yibo behaved the same.

Both Dad's face palms and asked Hai Kuan to take Yibo away for now. Zhuo Cheng was also sent to his room.

King DAD, "Hey Oldie, what was that right now with our kids. Are they possessed by some old lover of yours?"

Dad, "Why can only be my lover she can be yours too."

King Dad, "Hoy Mine won't turn into witches. Can't say for yours though."

Before they could say any further, Mom called them. She even asked what happened after she left. On hearing it all, she said maybe it's just that teenage phase for kids. 

Well, who knows what phase it is. 

Zhuo Cheng and Yibo were both on normal days good friends but if Xiao Zhan would be involved they would turn out age-old rivals. Before going to school Zhuo Cheng would kiss Xiao Zhan's Fingers( as Mom strictly said No to kisses on face) His baby goodbye and would see him first after returning. Same Yibo would do but he only got to give a kiss on a video call in the morning, hence after returning he would kiss twice. This would make Zhuo cheng so angry that they would either hit each other or pull hairs or throw punches. A whole day at school they would be friends but after returning every day it would be chaos. All this while baby Xiao Zhan would be unaware of it. But as he was 6 months old, he started reacting to these two. It was a day they would never forget. 

As always all three kids returned from school and rushed towards Xiao Zhan's room. He just had his milk and was totally in a playful mood. When he saw three kids running towards him, he started clapping and giggling. But as soon as Zhuo Cheng kissed his Fingers, he made a crying face and cried a bit. Seeing this Yibo glared at confused Zhuo Cheng and went over to Baby.

Yibo, "Hey My Baby, What's wrong.?"

He also kissed His Fingers and again Xiao Zhan made a crying face.
Seeing this, Hai Kuan took Xiao Zhan's fingers and started playing with Him.

Hai Kuan, "Hey Bunny, why crying, no cry na. You don't want them! What's wrong?"

Hearing Hai Kuan, Xiao Zhan started playing and giggling again. Again after some time both Zhuo Cheng and Yibo tried to kiss him, but again Xiao Zhan made a crying face. Zhuo Cheng rushed to call his Mom and forced her to come with Him and check on Xiao Zhan. Mom saw the whole act of Theirs. She understood that Little Xiao was being biased. He wanted to only play, not these kisses. He was happy with Hai Kuan playing but the moment Zhou Cheng and Yibo tried to get close He would cry. He was throwing tantrums. Mom made all three go and freshen up first and have snacks and join back afterwards. 

Meanwhile, She said, "So Our Angel is being sly hmmm. Don't like their claims. Hope you can tame the Alphas."

Hearing this, Xiao Zhan gave a very sly laugh.

Mom, "Brat, You are grinning here after causing others to Cry."

Xiao Zhan again giggles as if understood that His Little Act was caught by His mother.

Afterwards All Three again came up to play with Xiao Zhan. But before they entered, Mom told them not to touch him too many times. 

All went well but as soon as Xiao Zhan cried for milk both Zhuo Cheng and Yibo rushed to the kitchen and grabbed the same bottle of Milk. Both glared at each other and started fighting.

Zhuo Cheng, "Leave the Bottle, I'll bring it to Him."

Yibo, "Why? I also want to feed Him."

Mom saw this and scolded both of them and asked Hai Kuan to take the Bottle and feed Xiao Zhan.

Mom, "Seriously Boys What's wrong with both of You. Baby is crying for Milk and here you are Busy Fighting."

Zhuo Cheng, irritated with Yibo, said, "You Monkey always makes Him Cry."

Yibo, "Why don't you think it's because of You Giraffe."

Hai Kuan returned after feeding Xiao Zhan. He was carrying Him and Xiao Zhan was again energetic. But started crying when again Zhou cheng and Yibo fought for who would Hold Him First.

Mom, "Stop Both of You. Zhuo Cheng, go to your Room. No more playing with Baby. And Yibo You also go. Today Only Hai Kuan will be with Baby."

Both Kids sulked but returned to their rooms. Seeing them getting scolded, Baby Zhannie clapped his hands and giggled. He was enjoying This to the fullest.

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