Chapter 17

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There are two kinds of guilt: the kind that drowns you until you're useless, and the kind that fires your soul to purpose.

Next Day.....

By Now Zhuo Cheng and Others had also reached. On entering, Cheng was about to faint if not held strongly By Hai Kuan.

Hai Kuan trying to console said, "Honey please find strength in You not for Bunny, but also for Us too. Please... please... You know I can't handle all of Us. I need You.... I need My Love.... I need Our Love.... Please..."

Hearing Hai Kuan, Cheng somehow managed to regain Himself. Mom and both Dads were also shocked and sad to see their Kids in so much Pain. More than Zhan , all were more worried for Yibo. As He was really in Mess. He was just there physically. Mentally His Soul was away finding His Soulmate.

When Zhuo Cheng had calmed down a bit,He went to Yibo.
He patted Yibo's Hair and said, "Hey Dork, What's with this Psychotic Behaviour? Is My Baby in love with a Lunatic. Come on, let's go and have something."

With that He tried to pull Yibo, but Yibo didn't even flinch. He was just into His Own World. Everyone Saw this. They felt more disheartened. They knew Yibo well enough to know nothing they said would change His Mind.

Yibo was Lifeless, Soulless. He had Gut feeling about Mark and the whole thing. Everyone had it. But no one went for it. They all insisted on Logic rather than their Gut feelings. If only they had listened. Yibo was regretting. So were All. While Yibo was holding Zhan's hand, All their Memories came flooding into His Mind like Avalanche. So did the Tears. Though He hadn't uttered a word, his non-stop tears were speaking a thousand words.

Yibo thought What if His decision to send Zhan away was Wrong? What would happen to them Now? What if He is too late?

With all this Thoughts going on,It was one more Day gone by. Zhan was still unconscious. Yibo was still speechless and defunct. Hai Kuan and others prayed for All to end Well.

On the Third day....

Slowly Zhan started coming to LIFE. He regained consciousness. The moment He opened his eyes, he saw two people holding each of His hands and Someone by his Headrest. After blinking for a few minutes, He was able to clearly see everything around him. Yibo was holding his Right Hand,  Cheng the left one and Hai Kuan was By His Head resting. It was just like, When He would be Sick in the past.

This Brought all their beautiful memories Back, flashing in his mind like a broken dam. And so did the Tears.

His movements made Yibo awake. When Yibo saw Zhan back, He who for two days had held Himself from losing His sanity, broke down with a non-stop flow of tears.

Yibo, "Hey Baby !!! Thank you for Coming back. Never ever do this again. Please.... please....please.. I am not sure if I would be able to stay alive. Please I beg you don't punish Me in this way... Anything else would be Ok, just not This. Seeing You like this is worse than getting Lingchi(Chinese punishment of torture in slow process, the lingering death, or slow slicing, and also known as death by a thousand cuts)."

While Saying So Yibo fainted. Zhan, who was now crying hysterically, screamed, "Yibooooo" .

Hai Kuan, Cheng and others who were awakened while Yibo was speaking, saw Him faint and immediately rushed towards Him and called for the Doctor.

Doc, "Nothing to worry. He just needs rest, since He had too much mental stress. It was a very traumatic experience for Him. He shall be fine in an hour or so."

Zhan, "Please let Him be next to Me. I don't want to be alone anymore.".

Everyone agreed and hence Yibo was laid on the adjacent bed to Zhan's. Both were shifted to a private room.Once Yibo was stable, Doc decided to have a conversation with the Family. It took half of the day for Yibo to be Back. By now Zhan was a bit better, but still Weak.

For proper talk, Doc asked Hai Kuan and KD to meet in His cabin.

Doc, "Well I have two pieces of news for you all.So which one do you want to hear First?"

KD, "Well let's get on with the Bad one first."

Doc, "First I'll talk about Xiao Zhan. Well The thing is We found quite a good amount of drugs in His system. To be specific it's Cocaine.I saw your family and the way You bond, I am 100%sure that Xiao Zhan had no idea of intaking them. It's someone else Who is giving Him a very mild dosage, to make Him addicted. I would suggest You should take Police Help in this matter."

Hai Kuan, who was expecting something scary, didn't know it to be worse than their worst nightmare.He and KD both were extremely Shocked to hear this.

KD sighed and asked, "What else.?"

Doc, "Next is about Yibo. I want Him to consult with some Psychiatrist. I have a friend who is a Gem in this field. It's not that He is having some serious issues, but He is very unstable. It's not a good sign. More than Xiao Zhan, I am concerned about Yibo. As at times we can cure a disease, but mental health needs more attention. It's not that He is sick, but His Love needs to have some boundaries to have a healthy relationship."

Yibo, who was hearing this,came out and said, "I am not leaving Zhan. No matter What."

Hai Kuan, "Yes Buddy,It's just what Doc was suggesting. We will do just as You want. Ok."

Doc, "Yes yes. Whatever You want shall be done. By the way, May I know what's your relationship with Xiao Zhan?"

To this someone said, "We are Guardians of Our Angel." It was Zhuo Cheng.

Except Zhan all were present in Doc's cabin.

"Yes Sir,These three are truly Guardians of Our Angel." This time it was Mom who said while pointing at Yibo, Hai Kuan and Cheng.

D 1, "Sir We are ready for everything you want us to do. Just Make Our Babies healthy."

Doc saw determination and sincere love for each other in everyone's eyes. He said, "Well I am glad to hear this. Let's get this done ASAP and make sure Our Angel is healthy. I'll start with my treatment right away."

Yibo scowled at the Doc and said, "He is My Angel not Yours. No need for You to call Him Our Angel."

Zhuo Cheng also agreed and said, "Sometimes This Moron is Right. Doc He is just a patient for You and better keep it in mind."

Hai Kuan saw both throwing daggers at the Poor Doc, immediately went near them and drag them outside.

KD, "Don't take it to the Heart. They are born as Hulk can't help it."

Doc just nodded.

After returning,they all sat next to Zhan who was sleeping.

KD, "Guys I want to share something.I and Sam have reported a Robbery case. While all this was going on Mark had called. He was made to believe that it was Robbery which made Zhan admitted to hospital.I know what you are thinking, but it was what was suggested by Mr. Quinn, He is Superintendent of Police and my very good friend here. He is coming here to discuss a few things with all of us. Let's wait until then.He wanted even Zhan to hear Him out. So let's wait."

What's coming next now??????????

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