Chapter 10

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Don't waste your time in anger, regrets, worries, and grudges. Life is too short to be unhappy.

With a heavy heart Yibo knocked on Xiao Zhan's Room. Xiao Zhan never locked His Room, so Yibo partially opened the door and looked for Xiao Zhan. He found Zhan crying holding his Chest. Yibo was Disheartened to see Him in this state. Without waiting for long, Yibo entered quietly and sat down next to Him.

Yibo hesitantly touched Zhan's face and said, "L....Love.... Please stop crying. I.... I am Sorry on Mom's behalf. You can Slap me if it makes You calm. But let's sort out everything and be Back together... please."

Hearing this Xiao Zhan cried more. How can He not. He was regretting His deed.

Xiao Zhan sobbingly said, "Please leave Me... I can't face you. I don't deserve You. I am not Worthy. Please punish Me. I really deserve to be Loveless."

Yibo, "Nooo Sweets. Please don't say all this. It Hurts Me more to see you in this way than your Words Please Love."

Both Souls were crying miserably. It took quite some time for both to calm down. Xiao Zhan was the first to speak. He took Yibo's hand and said, "Please will you allow me something?"

Yibo had a bad vibe of what was going to come next. But He also knew it was necessary, hence with Heavy heart He Nodded,"Yes".

Xiao Zhan, "Let Me Live Alone for Sometime. I can't live in this way. 24*7 I live in fear of losing You. I feel Insecure, Jealous and Frustrated with My Own Self. You Love Me, but All I feel is Sadness. Let me make Myself worthy for You on My own. I have started Hating myself. Everyday I feel scared. What if You find Someone who is far better than Me? Whole Day I keep thinking What Will Happen If I humiliate You in Front of Your Friends. Today When I Saw You and Sam, I instantly felt like an Outsider. I know There is nothing in your heart, but What should I do about the one in mine? Please please Give Me a chance to love myself to love you back. Please Help Me to Grow as I want to Grow Old with you together. Please Try to understand."

Listening to all This Yibo didn't know what to do. He knew Zhan was right, but it would mean to stay away. He wanted to make All of Zhan's wishes come true, But it also meant breaking His Own World. He quietly stood up from there and without looking back said, "Don't worry too much. Have Sweet Dreams and Sleep Well. All will be fine."

As Yibo Left, Zhan clutched his chest and cried, "I am Sorry.... Sorry.. Please Forgive Me..."

With that He went off to sleep exhausted

Closing the door of Xiao Zhan's Room, Yibo fell down and cried his heart out. He also grabbed his Chest which was in too much Pain. Everyone saw Yibo in this State and knew that something heartbreaking is about to come their way.

Next day morning it was a very gloomy atmosphere. Each one had different feelings. It was as if SUN had decided not to show his Face on this House. Mom was serving breakfast, though She knew No one had any appetite. Somehow She convinced all to have a little bit of food. Not a single word was being uttered. Whole day went by. At the office also everyone was just trying to find an excuse to make themselves busy from getting negative feelings.

Three days had passed by in the same manner. Hai Kuan and Sam both thought of doing something about the whole situation. They both went to Yibo to talk about it.

Hai Kuan, "Yibo, have you thought about what to do with The ongoing situation?"

Sam, "Yibo buddy, let's go and make Zhan understand again."

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