Chapter 20

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Let's dare to promote ourselves to better 'us' by working hard and moving forward instead of regretting and rewinding the past.

After One week Zhan was discharged. He was still unable to walk for too long but was better than before. He also needed to take antibiotics for drugs.

Once again Zhan had to go back to Mark's Condo. Others wanted to stay back but Quinn made them understand that It would make Mark aware and would also ruin their plan. Hence with Heavy heart they had to leave Zhan with Mark. The moment Zhan entered, He remembered how dangerous this place was.
He was shivering and shaking. Mark came and asked Him, "Buddy You Okay."

Mark was about to Hug Zhan when suddenly the doorbell rang. Irritatedly Mark opened the door and found Yibo and KD. 

KD, "Sorry Mark but You see My Son is not ready to part from His Wife. You see He is One of Most Dumbest thing ever existed but without Him becomes STIFFICULT."

Mark, "Huh????"

KD, "Aww It's human language, You won't get it.!!! Anyways We are staying With Zhan. Don't worry, we shall be Like Atmosphere"

Mark with a confused look asked, "What are you saying? I can't get a single word.!"

KD smirked evilly and said, "That's Exactly What I want, that You don't understand Me. Anyways In short We are staying for a few days or maybe weeks or maybe months. Depends On my Mood....Hehehe"

Mark, irritated with KD, left from there and saw YiZhan nowhere to be found. He was about to Go towards Zhan's room when KD came in front and said, "Aish My Son is such a Beast, can't spare a minute without His Wife. Come let them have Fun, You and I can go and grab Beer. I am sure You have Huge stock of It. Come on move Your Lazy Tail."

Seeing no other option Mark went along with KD. He mentally made note of discussing all of this with Zhan. Meanwhile in Zhan's Room, YiZhan were cuddling on the Bed. Zhan at first was still scared But once Yibo started drawing soothing circles on His Back, Zhan was feeling better.

Zhan, "I still can't believe You are here besides Me. I was very scared when I came here. But how come only You and King are here. Where are Others?"

Yibo, "No need to worry Love, As long as You are here I am not going anywhere else. King and I were able to stay back for 3 weeks for now. After that Kuan-Cheng will come and stay. We shall make sure You are not alone with the Witch. If in case we all are busy Then Uncle Quinn is going to order Someone to look after You. Though that person would be in the shadows. So Baby Just relax and Let Us take care of Everything. By the way If you're so worried, then there is one thing which You should take tension for."

Zhan with a confused look asked, "What?"

Yibo evilly smiled and said, "Well..... There is an Impending Balance Amount of something very important Left by You to Repay. If You don't do it, It shall be charged for Late payment Taxes and Your Outstanding Amount will be doubled."

Now Zhan was thoroughly confused. He had never done anything as such.

Zhan, "Which transaction are you talking about? I haven't done any such payment Which is impending. Nor Have Used Any Credit Cards."

Yibo after watching Zhan's worried face which looked like a lost kitten, laughed a bit and brought His Face closer and Kissed Zhan. He poured all His Love, fear in the kiss. Zhan could feel Yibo's every emotion. Zhan was melting In the Kiss. He grabbed Yibo's Neck and brought Him more closer and deepened their Kiss. After sometime Both released each other. 

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