Chapter 13

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""Imprinting on someone is like... Like when you see them... Everything changes. All of a sudden, it's not gravity holding you to the planet. It's them... Nothing else matters. You would do anything... be anything for them."

Yibo stood in front of his Closet. He was so lost in his memories that he did not even know about the arrival of Zhan.

Zhan back hugged him. Yibo at first was startled, but when saw Who It Was, relaxed.

Zhan, "What are you looking at so intriguing that You are unaware of the surrounding?"

Yibo took his hand and led him to sit on the Bed. He then went to the closet and brought a few things and placed them in front of Zhan.
Zhan gave a puzzled look at them and asked, "What are all These?"

Yibo lovingly looked at the items and said, "These are Your sweetness which you shared with Me."

Zhan got more confused, He said, "Huh! My Sweetness.!I don't understand?

Yibo, "These are the most beautiful and innocent gifts which You gave Me Unknowingly."

He took one of them and said, "This white Shirt. I don't think You remember it, but You were some 2 year old and was playing with crayons and brush pens. You asked Mom to give you some pages to draw. But She was a bit busy and told you to ask Us. You came to Our study room and asked Hai Kuan to give you paper. But we all were doing important assignments and hence asked you to wait. You, being impatient, saw Me wearing this plain White T-shirt. You came behind Me and started drawing on it. At first I felt ticklish but then You cried as I was moving too much. Hearing your cries I sat stiff and let you do whatever you want to. After a few minutes Mom came to check on us and saw that You had spoiled my Shirt. She was a bit angry as It would be very difficult to wash the colours off. She was about to throw My Shirt but I stopped and said, "It's My Angel's first drawing, Won't throw it ever. Hence I kept it till date."

Zhan was stunned. He didn't know what to say. Yibo kept on talking about all other things too. After Yibo finished, Zhan, with tears flowing, hugged Him. He placed his face in the Crook of Yibo's neck and said, "Will we stay in love forever??"

Yibo took a deep breath and said, "I fell in love with You when you opened your eyes for the first time. I knew that It would be a long Time before You would be Mine. I am ready to wait for eternity. Right Now it's just that I am a bit scared."

Zhan, "Scared??"

Yibo, "We have an age gap of 7-8 years Baby. You will meet people of your age. Who would always be Attractive, Adventurous and Naive. What if You found someone who is more Fun to be with than Me. Even if I try I can't be Cool like 15-20 year old. I just Hope.....That You..."

He wasn't able to complete the sentence. Zhan saw tears in His eyes. That very moment Zhan felt Yibo's pain. He cupped Yibo's face, kissed His Eyes and said, "I'll return back to You. I shall try My Best to make this work."

Both hugged each other. Both were scared. Unaware of the Future.

Two weeks later ...

It was Time for Zhan to Go and explore. Since Morning It was Gloomy atmosphere. Though Mom was going along with Zhan, It was still Scary for All. It was Time for Them to catch the Flight, But Yibo and Cheng both were Missing. Hai Kuan and Zhan both tried to call them, but were unable to connect.

K.D, "I guess Zhan You leave, as They won't come. I knew it. Yibo though he was Fine, would not be strong enough to bid you Goodbye. Same goes for Cheng."

Hai Kuan, "Dad is right Bunny. We need to move now or else we will miss the flight."

With Heavy heart Zhan agreed and Left. On the Way He continued to call Yibo. When it was almost time for Him to onboard, Yibo called Him.

Yibo with a sad tone, "Take Care Munchkin. Remember No Measure of Time with You will be Long Enough, But will Wait for You to Start Fresh with Forever. PLUS QUE MA PROPRE VIE. It means Love you more than my life. Wont Say or Bid You Goodbye as it's Not for Me. I'll only say Hello and Welcome Back."

Zhuo Cheng took the phone and said, "Sweets, You are My Strong Fiery Dragon. Remember We are just a call away. Clock doesn't exist between Us. Have a Safe Adventure."

With That they disconnected the call. Hearing Them Zhan was feeling overwhelmed and got a boost of confidence. He was Now ready for States and Whatever It had in Pocket for Him.

After many tiring Hours, Zhan and Mom finally reached the States. They were welcomed by Sam's family. Zhan was going to stay with them for 2 days and then shift to His Dorm, where He would be staying with 2other students.

After 2 days of jetlag and a bit of sightseeing, Zhan entered in His Dorm. He met two other students who were also in the same faculty as His. Their names were Alex and Yu Bin. All three became friends instantly. They were also happy to see Zhan's Mom who stayed with them for a week before returning back.

Today was the First Day of their Uni. Orientation program was held in the main auditorium. One by One all and everything was introduced to the Freshers. When a particular person took on the stage many low whispers were heard.
Out of curiosity Zhan asked Yu Bin, "What's all the fuss about?''

Yu Bin, "It's Mark who is speaking. It's rumoured that He deals with Illegal stuff. No one dares to Mess with Him and His Gang."

Alex, "How do you know so much? You are also a fresher like Us.!"

Yu Bin, "Well My Elder Sister told Me to be careful as She is in the same class as Mark."

Zhan glanced at Mark. He was shocked for a moment as He saw Mark also staring at Him. For a moment Zhan felt scared but then shrugged off.

After the program ended,three went to tour the whole University. By the time they were done with half of the tour,Yu Bin growled as He was very tired and Hungry.

Yu Bin, "Guys, let's skip the tour. I can't walk one more step. I am soooooo Hungry."

Zhan chuckled at His antics, "Ok, let's hit the canteen."

They ordered their Food and went to an empty bench and were happily eating, when suddenly Someone intruded on them. When they looked who it was, except Zhan, the other two felt scared. It was Mark.

Mark gave a most sly smile and said, "Mind if we join you as all the other places are full."

Zhan hesitated first but didn't wanted to sound rude, said, "Sure"

Yu Bin and Alex were reluctant but couldn't do much about it. Hence Mark and His Gang sat down with them.

While having lunch Mark asked all about Zhan and other 2.

Zhan saw his friends were feeling restless, hence decided to leave from there. He said, "Well, it was nice meeting You. I think we should take our leave now."

As they stood up, Mark grabbed Zhan's wrist and stopped him saying, "Well Pleasure Is Mine. Hope You liked My company and won't mind to be My Friend."

Zhan with a bit of force removed His grip and said, "Well It's only Our first Meet. Let's wait for the future."

Saying So, Zhan and His friends left from there.

Is this warning of a Hailstorm or will it be only the Drizzling Rain.......

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