Chapter 18

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Just because things are not at their best right now does not mean that we should give up. Gold is tested in fire and something precious like love needs distance to be tested......


Everyone was going through an Emotional rollercoaster. Worries, relief, stress, anxiety were all over Everyone's mind. Zhan had woken up and was better than before. But He was very scared of what was going to happen from now on. He was clinging to Yibo like a Koala Cub. Though He was a brat, he still never wanted to get involved in any crimes.

Zhan worriedly asked, "Mom will I be put behind the Bars?

Mom, "Don't know Baby. But let's be positive. We have never done anything wrong to anyone. God will Bless Us. Just need to have Faith."

Yibo, "Yes Love, Mom is right. We will try our best. Let's wait for Uncle Quinn."

Just then Mr Quinn walked in.

KD, "Hey Buddy. So Good to See You Again. Sorry for Meeting in such a place. Come I'll introduce you to All."

With that KD introduced each of them. Though Dad knew Mr Quinn, But not that much.

Dad, "Hello Sir. I am Xiao Zhan and Zhuo Cheng's father and She is My Wife. I hope We will be able to get out of this Mess. Please, Sir, Help Us..."

Mr Quinn, "First of all You can call me Quinn and you kids as Uncle. Second What I am going to say please hear it very seriously. As of now, I am just your family but with knowledge of Law."

As all looked anxiously at Him, he said, "Kid You need to go back to Mark and act like before."

Hearing this, Cheng and Yibo both Yelled, "Nooooo."

Cheng, "He won't go to that Bastard. In Fact, He is not going anywhere. I have had enough of everything. I am his elder and I will decide for Him. He is not going anywhere and that's final."

Yibo, "Are you out of Your Mind. Uncle, You want to throw Him in Hell. Why? He is not leaving Me. No matter what happens."

KD, "Guys relax first hear Him out."

Mr Quinn, "Boys I know what you are going through, But You are forgetting a very important thing here. Xiao Zhan is involved in a drug deal. What do you think Mark will do if He comes to know that We know about His doings. He will straight away prove himself innocent and put all blame on Zhan. How much you try, You won't be able to prove His innocence. As Zhan, Himself delivered those packages. Even though He did For Mark, But who is going to testify that. He had given those to Zhan but when? Where is it given on campus? At Club? No, He just called Him to deliver them. How will you Prove it?."

Hearing this, All were silently thinking.

Quinn further said, "Please I am not Your enemy. I want to take You Guys out of this Mess. But For that Zhan has to be a Bait to trap the Evil. Trust me This way At Least We can get Him lesser punishment."

Yibo, "You mean to Say if He does be Bait will still go to prison?"

Quinn, "Unfortunately Yes. As He did deliver. In 90% of cases, Drug dealers use People like Zhan. Once caught, People like Zhan go to jail. It's a huge Racket. Many higher officials are also involved in these. But innocent people always get punished."

Zhan was very scared after hearing this. Even though He was Brat, rebellious but He never wanted to commit any crimes. After all He was Just st 16-17 years Teen.

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