Chapter 16

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We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorns have roses.Miracles happen to those who believe in them.

As soon as Yibo, Hai Kuan reached the Hospital, They both hurried towards Zhan's room.After meeting His friends in the Waiting Area.

The moment they entered,a pungent smell of hospital disinfect invaded their nostrils. The room was silent apart from Zhan's heavy breathing and the beep beep sound from the attached machine that indicated that He was alive.

The cold air from the Air Con hit Yibo's face as He plummet towards the gravel. He panicked, but remained still.Yibo was looking blankly at Pale, Colourless, Lifeless Body lying on the Bed. Both feet wrapped in bandages. Many wires attached to a fragile figure. A severe pain jolted throughout Yibo's body. It didn't hurt as much as the realisation that His Love was badly injured and He did not succeed in saving Him on Time.


Thud was Heard in the Silent Room. On looking Hai Kuan saw Yibo Lying on the Floor. He was having severe Nose Bleed and had fainted too.

Hai Kuan screamed, "Doctor... anyone... Please Help...".

Soon a few nurses and on duty Doctor helped Hai Kuan and took Yibo for treatment. Hai Kuan was now in Mess. As one side Zhan was laying and now Yibo. He was worried about Zhuo Cheng's reaction. Everyone knew that Yibo and Cheng both were extremely sensitive when it came to Zhan. After a few minutes, the Doctor who was treating Yibo came out and informed Kuan that Yibo has a mild Nervous Breakdown Seeing Zhan. His Body temperature was also rising too fast. It seemed if not brought down it would be fatal. Hai Kuan told About Yibo's and Zhan relationship and also how Possessive He is.

Doc, "Glad you informed Us. This is the main reason for His suffering. Sometimes Possessiveness turns into obsession Where One Can't stand a single injury on their loved one's. Don't worry. We shall try our best to bring Both of them out of danger."

Hai Kuan, "Can I see Yibo?. I won't disturb Him."

Doc, "Umm,Ok but Don't make much noise."

Hai Kuan took one glance at Zhan and said, "Please Bunny, Only You can cure Yibo. Please Come back to Us As healthy As we sent You Here, or else We would also Lose Two More Souls Who breathe only for You."

Hai Kuan left Zhan's room sobbing and went to Yibo's. He saw His twin going pale and trembling. It seemed as if He was having nightmares. Hai Kuan could also hear Yibo murmuring Zhan,Zhan... though it was faintly heard but Hai Kuan could easily make it out.

Hai Kuan held Yibo's hand and said, "Please Bro. Please.. let's Fight for our Baby. I can't do this alone. I need My Backbone strong Beside Me. You know He needs Us, He needs You, He needs Your Love. Please..... please.... Be healthy. Your Zhan.... Our Angel is waiting For Us..."

As Hai Kuan uttered Zhan's name, Something triggered in Yibo's system. He thought vaguely and with a lot of struggle, opened His eyes. He blinked softly at first, but as If Memories Hit Him hard, Awakened hastily and Sat up. He looked at the surroundings and instantly tried to Run towards His Life which was lying in the Next room. While doing so He harshly removed the IV needle, Which caused His hand to bleed. As He started walking hastily, He was about to fall down if not for Hai Kuan who Held him strongly.

Hai Kuan, "Bro,Calm down. You just had a high fever and almost nervous breakdown."

Yibo blankly stared at Hai Kuan and only uttered, "Zhan... Zhan...Zhan..."

Hai Kuan understood What Yibo meant. He said, "I'll take you to Him. But let doc treat you first."

Yibo had Numb Eyes. There was No life in His Eyes. It was only searching for Zhan. He was not listening to any of Hai Kuan's pleas. All He wanted was to be near His Life. Near Zhan.

After Doc treated Yibo's injured Hand, Hai Kuan brought Him back to Zhan's room. This Time, Yibo went straight away to Sit next to Zhan. He with trembling hands and tears flowing non-stop held Zhan's hand. Hai Kuan saw Yibo just kept on staring at Zhan. He was like Stone. No words were coming from Him. Nor was He crying.He had Blank Eyes. Only Zhan could bring Him back to Normal State.

Since it was unbearable For Hai Kuan, He came out and called Zhuo Cheng. He knew It was very risky but He needed Zhuo Cheng as He Himself was emotionally drained.

Hai Kuan wiping away His tears, "Love, I need You. I can't handle them. I can't bear the pain Both our Babies going through. Please Help Me.Please ...."

Zhuo Cheng worriedly asked, "What's wrong Honey? Why do you sound so Sad? Tell Me What's going on?"

Hai Kuan, though reluctant,told Him everything. At first Zhuo Cheng was Shocked, But was brought back by KD who was next to Him when Hai Kuan called and heard everything as Cheng had put the call on speaker.

KD, "Hai Kuan, Son Don't worry. We are coming there asap. And Do you remember What You three Called Yourselves?"

Hai Kuan sighed, "Yes King. I remember clearly."

KD, "Then. Trust Yourself and be Strong. As it's now time for You three to prove that."

Zhuo Cheng who for a moment had gone Numb, after hearing KD got back and said, "Love,You are not alone. This Time I'll also Help You. We shall Bring Back Our Babies Safe and Healthy."

After getting much needed strength From Cheng, Hai Kuan felt renewed energy to fight for His Bunny and Twin.

Hai Kuan again went to Zhan's room where He found Yibo in the same position He left him a few minutes ago. He gently patted Yibo's Hair and said, "Bro, Let's Be strong for Our Angel. Hmmm Right Now I just had a word with Cheng and King. Do you know what the King told Me? He made Me remember what we used to call ourselves.! Do you remember? Let's prove that We deserve That Name."

Though Yibo was not processing any of Hai Kuan's words, Still Hai Kuan felt as Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, but there will always be a silver lining. All they needed was to Have faith and trust in their Love.

Hai Kuan further said, "Bro I know You aren't hearing this but still Let's Be positive. When you're positive, good things happen."

With that Hai Kuan firmly vowed to fight against This Dreadful Time......

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