Chapter 24

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There is a saying in Tibetan, 'Tragedy should be utilised as a source of strength.No matter what sort of difficulties, how painful the experience is, if we lose our hope, that's our real disaster.

After going through various strategies, still Yibo and all had not come up with any good rescue plan. In fact they all were still Confused on where and how they should proceed.

After thinking for quite some time KD came up with a Idea.

KD, "Guys I have a plan to find out Where and When Everything will take place. But for that I.....need to do something."

Dad, "What are you planning now? It's not good, that's for sure."

KD, "Aish,How can you say so without even Listening."

Mom, "We know since diapers. Guy like you would never ever stutter. So better Spit out."

KD taking a deep breath said, "I'll..... I'll... Hook up with that Ditzy Queen and get the information."

Cheng, "Ditzy?"

KD, "I mean Silly Woman."

Quinn, "But won't it be rusted by now."

KD scowled, "It's not Rusted, but Hibernating Okay!"

Yibo and Kuan-Cheng were confused and asked, "Ummm Can you also let us know What you are talking about.?"

KD, "Well We are talking about My Joystick. Haven't used it for ages as I was never in need but that doesn't mean I can't get it to work. These barbarians think I am some Dissy Toy."

Mom, feeling very flustered, said, "King They are right. You have such no filter mouth and that's the only thing working in your System. Shameless."

KD smirked evilly and said, "Well Never Needed other parts to work till Now. But back to Our problem, I will use my ability and get all the info. But there is one thing, You have to help with."

Hai Kuan, "What KD?"

KD, "I am not going to do it with Her. Just that, She should feel like we've spent the night together and done everything, so need some kind of medicine."

Quinn, "Okay!will get everything ready. Though it would be against Law, But right now all that matters is to get information."

After two days KD was with that Same lady. It was Midnight When KD called Dad to pick Him Up from the lady's House. He left the house with a note next to Lady stating, "It was Once in a Blue Moon Night I had in ages."

Once seated in the Car, KD yelled, "Just take Me away from here. I can't bear it anymore."

Dad, "Hold your Horses. Dork What's wrong? Why are You behaving like this?"

KD, "You have no Idea. I was in my worst nightmare. Hell It seemed as if I was in Sty. She is walking- talking Perfume Shop. My God! How much Deo does She put on? Worst She Snores. Oh!God. Snores I can't stand. Give Me anything But not snoring."

Dad was laughing, "God! You never change."

KD, "Never Needed to!"

After reaching Home and freshen up KD informed all that Mark will be leaving through Cruise and on the same Day His Minions are going to take part in Auction too.They have 24 hours to prepare. Hearing this Quinn immediately called His Colleagues and asked for all the Information about Cruise sailing to Zurich. He even came to know about the whole details regarding Captain of the Cruise. Without wasting time He asked for The Captain to Help Them. 

Captain, "Hello Sir, I came to know about Your Mission. I am all ready to Help You but As you can see it's Cruise with many innocent civilians. I can't take the risk of letting their lives in danger. I think it's better if You carried out the whole mission in secret."

Quinn, "I agree with you. Don't worry. I have asked help from some of my naval officers. Can you at least help us carry out search operations without making any of your people involved."

Captain, "Sure Sir. We shall help in all ways possible. Just make sure no harm comes to innocent civilians."

Quinn, "You have my word. If it turns worse, I'll make all my men leave Your Ship."

Captain, "I'll pray for Your Success. Godspeed and goodwill to all those who are fighting for Our Kids safety."

With Everyone and Everything in motion, all They had to wait for was D-Day. Quinn had asked Help from all his previous colleagues as it was Bit hard to manage missions on two opposite places and without involving Higher officials too much.

On the other side.....

Zhan and other four kids were trained to do what was called hatching. But it was more specifically molesting. They were tortured, abused,  sedated, starved. Though Zhan was putting up a good fight, but His patience was giving up. How much longer would He fight?

Zhan after lying down from getting slapped and beaten harshly was sobbing, "Yibo how long will it be to see you again? I Miss You......I Miss You Bestie.....I Miss You Captain.... Mom....KD....Dad....."

Hearing Him, Joey came nearby, wiped His Tears and said, "Big Brother, Why are You Crying. No Cry Na....You said We will be saved...To have Faith. So now Should we not have Trust?"

Zhan, "Do You Have Faith.?"

Joey, "I have faith in You. I Trust You."

Zhan saw sincerity and immeasurable amount of Faith in Joey's Eyes. Zhan made a Vow to Save Joey No matter What happens. In Three days He had tried many attempts to run away. But the moment He tried something, the collar across His Neck would activate and send mild to moderate Shock. It had motion sensors. The moment Zhan would be out of range it would be triggered and Zhan would feel electric shock. Physically He was getting tired, but He didn't want to Stop. He was 100%sure His family was trying every means to save Him. All He needed to send some kind of signals to let them know His whereabouts. 

On one side Zhan was trying His Best, on the other Yibo and others were ready for everything and anything. Both had only one goal. To Save and Safely reach their loved ones.

Finally the Day arrived.....

As known Mark boarded The Cruise with Seven boxes sealed with Fragile and Animal Sleeping inside Tapes on them. He had given written instructions that Animals in the Boxes needed to be taken with extreme care as they are the most exclusive species. Yibo and Kuan-Cheng were being made part of the Orchestra Group which would entertain the Guests on the Ship. KD was with the Lady at the Auction House. Dad and Mom stayed back at Quinn's Office to monitor both the events. They all were in touch through earpieces and spycams on their Dresses.

Will They Be Successful........???????

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