Chapter 28

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Be proud of struggles in your life. They bring you closer to greatness.A flower always struggles to survive, but it never forgets to bloom with joy.

Next morning.........

Yibo was called for a few more tests and physiotherapy. It was going to be 2 hours long. When He was about to go He asked Zhan not to be alone in the room and to go to the hospital garden and wait till one of the parents was there to accompany him.

Zhan was curious as it was the first time Yibo had asked such a thing. Though it was strange, Zhan agreed as He didn't want Yibo to be angry with Him.

As the Three were walking away,

Zhuo Cheng asked, "What's Wrong? Why are you asking for such?"

Hai Kuan, who was helping Yibo to sit on Wheelchair also raised His Eyes and gave a questioning Look.

Yibo, "Don't know But Feeling very weird. The way I always felt when Angel would be in any sort of danger."

Hai Kuan stopped pushing the Wheelchair for a moment and even Cheng looked shocked. Yibo saw their reactions and asked, "What! Why are you all shocked?"

Recovering Themselves, Hai Kuan said, "Well You just Called Him Angel."

Zhuo Cheng rubbed his neck and said, "Guys I want to say something. Ummm I....can't be angry anymore. Seeing Him from the past week is more than enough for Me to forgive Him. After All He is Our Naive Baby. I am going to talk to Him today. In fact I was about to go back once Yibo was taken in for Tests. Now since We are having this talk, I thought of making Myself clear."

Though Zhuo Cheng was a bit scared of Boths reaction, He still voiced out His views. Hearing this Hai Kuan sighed and said, "I guess we all are having the same feeling. So What Do You Say Buddy?"

Yibo took a deep breath and said, "Well If We all have Decided Then I have No problem. Let's celebrate tonite. I am all Itchy, as I haven't held Him since ages."

Cheng, "Control Your Wolf. What Itchy? He is still Injured. No TOUCH till He reaches Home."

Yibo scowled at Cheng and went in for his tests. Until then, Zhan was at the Garden. He got tired and thought of returning back. As He entered, He saw a Guy waiting. By looks He seemed to be a Doctor. He came closer and said, "Hello My name is Oliver. I am here for Your Treatment."

Zhan found it very strange as He didn't need any Treatment which needed a personal Doctor. He didn't want to create any scene hence politely asked For the Doc to leave at the moment and come back later When He has any of His family there. But it seemed Doc had some evil intentions, as Doc closed the Door and tried to get closer. Zhan felt scared and was about to scream and run, But the Doc was a bit faster. He pushed Zhan and was about to hover above Him.

Just that Time Yibo entered with a Bang. Seeing Him, Zhan rushed towards Them. Zhuo Cheng immediately took Him in His arms. All three were confused, angry. Hai Kuan helped Yibo to get up and lay back. Cheng was still holding Zhan securely in His arms. Zhan was trembling as He was very scared. Hai Kuan rushed to the Doc and punched very harshly right across His face. He kept on hitting the Doc. When Yibo saw the Guy was about to faint, He asked Hai Kuan to Stop. He growled and said, "Bastard Just Who the Hell are You and What were You trying to do.? Speak or else I will sign Your Death sentence."

Hai Kuan again hit Him, but He was still not uttering anything. Cheng saw this. He caressed Zhan's face and pulled Him apart. Just then Yibo asked Zhan to come and lay in his arms.

Yibo kissed Zhan's Cheeks and said, "Baby don't be scared okay. I won't let anyone or anything harm You."

Zhuo Cheng grabbed Doc's collar and said, "How dare You lay Your Filthy hands on My Baby."!

Yibo, "He is Our Baby not just Your Cheng. He is Mine too."

Cheng, "Oh Shut Up You deformed Mutt. First Let's deal with This Swine. Stop eating Him."

Yibo scowled at Cheng and said, "Don't make me kill You. He is Mine and that's final. Better accept it Faster."

Hai Kuan's face palmed and said, "Seriously Boys I can't stand your stupidity. Can't you both see what situation we are in for now."

Kuan-Cheng both turned to the Doc and asked him about the whole thing. But before He could say a word, They heard someone crying.

Both turned and saw it was Zhan. Cheng pushed Yibo harshly and took Zhan away and said, "Baby What's wrong. Did this Gorilla Hurt you? Hai Kuan Your Brother squeezed Him so harshly that I am sure My baby's Bones must be fractured. Asshole Can't you be a bit gentle. He is still recovering and You held Him roughly."

Hai Kuan wiped Zhan's Tears and held his hand and said, "Bunny Are You hurt? Do you feel Pain. Please Bunny You are scaring Us."

Yibo was getting restless and said, "Fuck I am calling for the Doc. Cheng call Mom and Dads. Baby I am Sorry if I was rough. Sorry na...." He pressed the button for the Doc. He was continuously pressing. It showed as if there was an emergency. Doc and two nurses entered in a jiffy. They saw everything and were very confused. Zhan was crying hysterically, a guy was beaten badly on the face. Kuan-Cheng and Yibo were looking pitiful.

Yibo, "What the Hell are You waiting for? Check Baby. He is in pain. You better treat Him fast. Baby see The Doc is here. Please stop crying na ..."

KD by now entered and saw everything and asked The nurses and both Doc and the other guy to come out. Without explaining anything He also came out. After they all Left, Hai Kuan, though still confused, asked Zhan to tell them What's wrong and why is he crying?

After a few minutes Zhan could only mutter, "I..... (hiccups) I.... Missed You...I Missed You All..." with that He hugged Hai Kuan and again started crying.

Hearing this Cheng took Zhan from Hai Kuan's arms and hugged Him and said, "Baby We missed You too." Cheng pampered Him with Kisses. Wiped His Tears and was about to again shower Kisses on Zhan's face, When someone growled like a hungry wolf. They turned and Saw it was Yibo.

Yibo, "What! You can't Kiss Him more than Me. I counted You pecked Him five times already and I was able to do it only thrice. It's my turn now. Leave Him. Baby come to Me..."

Cheng, "He is My Baby and I'll always kiss him more than You. And I am not going to let Him near You. I am sure You will injure Him more."

With that He again Kissed Zhan's Cheeks. Yibo threw Apple's in Cheng's direction.

He angrily said, "Leave Him Cheng Baby come to Me. Please please. I haven't felt You. Let me Feel you to my heart's content. Please...."

Zhan laughed at both Yibo-Cheng's antics. Hai Kuan shook his head and patted Zhan's Head. Zhan asked Cheng to let Him go to Yibo. Cheng pouted but had to allow as Hai Kuan grabbed His arms and kissed on His lips.

Zhan snuggled into Yibo's arms. Yibo instantly Kissed Zhan passionately. When He was going on for a minute, Cheng said, "Stop Horny Beast. His Lips are swollen. Don't forget He is still Injured."

Yibo pouted, but again Kissed Zhan. After a few minutes Zhan asked, "Can We Sleep like old times."

Without wasting time Hai Kuan and Cheng joined Two Beds together. Zhan laid on his Right side next to Yibo holding His arms. Next to Him Cheng laid down taking Zhan in His arms and then it was Hai Kuan. His one hand was on Cheng's waist and also reached Zhan and the other was opened which was used as a pillow for Cheng. They all squeezed closer as much as they could.

For that Moment All four wished Nothing to come in between them......

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