Chapter 48

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If people refuse to look at you in a new light and they can only see you for what you were, only see you for the mistakes you've made, if they don't realize that you are not your mistakes, then they have to go."

After the break.....

Judge, "Silence, please. Let's begin."

D.L, "My Lord! I have said and proved that My client Mr.Xiao Zhan is innocent and was played By The Accused Mr Mark. My Client is also a Victim of molestation and human trafficking. I would like to request the Honourable Court to grant Release orders as My client is not guilty of all the accusations put by the prosecutor. I have also submitted many evidence to prove my client's innocence. With the help of State Police and My Client's family they were able to crack Mr. Mark's Drug and Human trafficking racket in Which My Client was also the victim. Please My Lord I request honourable Court to go through all of this. That's all My Lord."

Prosecutor, "Your Honour, My friend Mr Defence's lawyer wants us to make an exception by asking Honourable Court to release This boy. How many such boys and girls are out there who act all innocent and get away from punishment. All they need to do is play the same victim card and that's it. Please for the sake of betterment of the society, I like My Lord not to go for this Boy Xiao Zhan's innocent face and punish Him for his mistake and also make others realise that Crime never pays. We must not forget the very fact that Mr.Xiao Zhan Himself had befriended My Client and also handle All the deals with conscious mind. I would also like to add that He was never forced by My Client into any of these works. That's all My Lord."

There was complete silence for a few minutes.... All eyes were on the Judge. Yibo and others were holding their breaths, eagerly waiting for the Verdict.

Judge, "The Court has heard all the witnesses and also seen every evidence. The Prosecution has no concrete evidence that shows that whatever parcels Mr. Xiao Zhan has delivered contained any sort of illegal stuff. The Court also agrees with the Defence that Mr. Xiao Zhan was the victim of human trafficking and molestation. Hence after hearing both the party's arguments and evidence showed, I with the power bestowed upon Me announce Mr. Xiao Zhan Not Guilty. He was just an innocent passerby to be involved with the accused Mr Mark. The Court also grants Mr. Xiao Zhan to ask for compensation for mental harassment from Mr. Mark if He wants to. However, I would like to tell Mr. Xiao Zhan, Happiness is not a goal, It's a by-product of a life well-lived. Life is never easy. There is work to be done and obligations to be met, obligations to truth, justice, and liberty. Watch your thoughts and they become words. Watch your words and they become actions. Watch your actions and they become habits. Watch your habits and they become character. Watch your character and it becomes your destiny. Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety per cent how you respond to it. So Young Man doesn't fall for shiny things. As all that shines is never gold. As for the accused Mr. Mark I order further investigation and till then Accused Mr. Mark to be held in Custody with no bail provided till next hearing. The Court is adjourned for the day".

Just as The Judge was about to bang his gavel, Yibo shouted, "WAIT"

Judge confusedly asked, "Mr.Yibo I have already given my verdict, the case is now closed. And it's in your family's favour. What more do you want?"

Hai Kuan grabbed Yibo's arms and said, "What is wrong with you?"

Yibo stood up and went near The Judge and said, "I... I want to ask something."

Judge suspiciously said, "Go ahead"

Yibo, "Is it true that whatever is spoken in here is always true and once you have given your final verdict it can't be changed."

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