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Hello again! It's me, Xan, doing this for the 3rd time in the space of one year, believe it or not! Season 9 has just started, I'm super excited for it, and hopefully  this book will last longer than the last two! :D

Anyway, I wanna start by making an important statement:

If you are reading this book on ANY platform other than Wattpad, (even AO3) then someone has stolen my work and reposted it without my permission. If you're reading on, PLEASE stop. The only good thing to come out of that site is the money for the people who make it.

If you did find this book on another platform and you didn't know, that's completely fine. Just alert me that someone has reposted my work here on Wattpad, and continue reading it over here. I won't be mad at you, but I will be mad at whoever stole my books.

If you're reading on Wattpad, which I'm sure most of you are, great! We can keep going!

Requests are and will always be open in this book, so if you want me to draw or write something for you I gladly will. It might take me a while to do it, so please have patience, but I'll hopefully get it done for you eventually.

On that note, there are a few things I refuse to do.

° Shipping Xisuma, Gem, Pearl etc. 

Just no. The Hermits boundaries are more important then my writing being popular.

On the topic of boundaries, I won't draw/write Tango as a demon/with horns either, because he isn't comfortable with that sort of stuff.


I will do shipping (of Hermits who are comfortable with it/don't care), but I'm not ok with writing/drawing NSFW yet, let alone posting it.

° Extreme Gore

I can't handle gore very well, so anything beyond blood and injuries I won't do. If it's worse than a stab wound, it's probably a 'no' from me.

° Anything to do with kidnapping/abuse/alcoholism/drug addiction/suicide

Those are all triggers for a lot of people (including myself), so I won't write about them. I will TW for other things in my writing that could upset people, like blood/injury, but I have a limit. I'd prefer if you guys didn't talk about those things in the comments of the book either.

° Non-Hermitcraft related things 

This doesn't mean anything that isn't Hermitcraft. I will do MCC, Life Series, Empires SMP, and other things that the Hermits are in. DreamSMP stuff is a no, unless it's a crossover.

So, I really hope you enjoy Season 9, I hope you enjoy this book, and I hope it's gonna be longer than 40 chapters this time! If I end up writing a Season 10 intro before the end of 2022, I think I'm giving up on this fandom. 

Anyway, have fun reading!

- Xan

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