"Deal" - Soul Stealer AU

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So... remember that Soul Stealer AU I made like, 3-4 months ago? Yeah? Well I finally wrote it 

TW for death (kind of) and one mention of blood 

Scar watched as the young woman's body fell to the floor, draining of all colour. Then he glanced down at the totem in his hands, the emerald eyes glowing brighter for a second as it absorbed her soul.

He felt his fatigue disappear, and some of the bruises and cuts he'd gotten at various points vanished. He might feel a little guilty about doing this if it didn't feel brilliant every time he did.

He didn't bother to deal with the woman's body... maybe someone would find her and blame it on a monster of some sorts. It was a shame she had to lose her soul like that... all Pearl had wanted was a cure for a vampire bite, maybe asking for a wither skull in return was a bit harsh.

Scar wandered back to the woodland mansion, which was fairly close because he didn't like to stray too far from it. He didn't even need to look where he was going as he walked through halls and rooms like a maze, until he entered the room where he kept the totem, carefully placing it onto its podium.

He glanced out the window, at the silver moon slowly rising in the distance. He shouldn't be feeling tired already, maybe Pearl's soul wasn't enough. But more soul collecting was a problem he could think about tomorrow. For now, he could sleep through the night and hope it would help.

When he woke up, the sun was in place of the moon, and he was feeling a little better. He'd still need to find another victim today, just in case. 

Climbing down from the bookshelf he slept on top of, he spotted something outside the window. Just his luck, a young man was wandering along the path, completely clueless of where he was venturing towards. 

Scar grinned, not a happy grin but more of a malicious one, watching the human enter the mansion. He made his way close to the entrance, before climbing up the wall and hiding in the dark corners of the ceiling where he couldn't be seen. 

He followed the stranger, crawling along the ceiling as quietly as possible. The blonde man didn't seem to know where he was going, and it took Scar a moment to realize the direction they were heading in too.

But before the vex could stop him, the person wandered right into the room with the totem. He watched the human's blue eyes widen as he reached to touch it, and Scar scowled, jumping down onto the floor right behind him.

"I'm afraid I can't let you take that."

The voice made the blonde jump, and he spun around to see the Vex behind him. The totem remained untouched. Then, spotting an opportunity, Scar grinned again.

"But I can give it to you... for a price."

The human's eyes were full of both confusion and fear, and that reminded the vex that he'd forgotten a step.

"Oh, but where are my manners?" He added, giving a little mock bow. "Scar Goodtimes, at your service."

"G-Grian." The stranger replied, before glancing back at the totem.

"Well Grian, I couldn't help but notice that you couldn't help but notice my totem here." Scar continued, walking over to the golden item. "It's incredibly powerful, not something I'd want to let go of..."

"What can it do?" Grian asked. Scar smirked. This was going exactly as planned.

"As long as you hold it, you can't die." He replied. "Illness, stab wounds, arrows to the chest... you could throw yourself off a cliff and be unharmed."

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