Here When You Need Me - Grian & Xisuma

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If anyone can't tell, this is PLATONIC and platonic only. There's nothing romantic whatsoever between Grian and Xisuma in this oneshot, they're just friends who comfort each other when needed <3

Moon's big

Bases destroyed

Nobody safe

Can't run

Getting closer

No escape

Grian woke with a start, heart pounding and gasping for breath. This was the 5th nightmare this week he'd had about the moon, and they weren't showing any signs of stopping.

He got up out of his bed (which was more of a blanket nest in the middle of his empty boulder), afraid to go back asleep in case he had another. He'd seen Hermitcraft getting destroyed one time too many, and he wasn't gonna see it again.

He tried to remember what you do when you have a nightmare. Usually you would go to your parents, but Grian didn't have parents.


But he did have something similar.

When Xisuma felt something next to him in his bed, he immediately went to reach for his sword. But before he could, a head of blonde hair popped up beside him, and he felt soft wings hug him.

"A-are you ok Grian?" He asked, reaching for some kind of torch or lantern to light. His newly built home was still empty, and he couldn't find anything.

"Nightmare." Was all his friend mumbled, scooting in closer to the Admin. X glanced out the window, staring at the moon in the sky. It was far away, where it couldn't hurt anyone, but he knew Gri was scared of it. He was too.

"Why'd you come here?"

"You're supposed to go to your parents if you have a nightmare... I don't really have parents, but I guess you're close enough."

To say he wasn't touched by Grian's words would be a lie. He wrapped his arms around the younger Hermit, hugging him comfortingly.

"You can stay as long as you need." X offered, knowing the blonde would stay the whole night and that he wouldn't get much sleep as a result. Not that he minded, he didn't sleep that often anyway.

"Mmm-hmm..." Grian mumbled, already half asleep in Xisuma's bed. The admin sighed a little, then smiled, pulling the blankets over the two of them and going back to sleep.

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