"Love Mark" - XB x Hypno

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CW: Implied NSFW, mild/mentioned suffocation 

Hypno rolled over in his bed, still half asleep and tangled in a mess of blankets. His memories from last night were fuzzy at best, but he could vaguely recall what had happened.


A frustrated yell came from the bathroom, and moments later XB came running into the room in an oversized t-shirt. Hypno sat up, and laughed a little when his partner pointed out the dark bruise in his neck.

"What on earth is this?!" XB gasped, cheeks bright red. "It's right in the middle of my neck, I can't hide it!"

"Do you need to?" He asked, standing up and pulling a shirt over his head.

"Yes! I agreed to meet Xisuma for a trade later, I can't let him see it!"

"I don't think X will mind that much." Hypno shrugged. "He knows that the Hermits do this stuff from time to time."

"But he doesn't know that we do it... I mean, everyone kinda knows about the others, but I really don't want half the server to find out about us because of a stupid bite mark."

XB's eyes suddenly kit up with an idea, and he took off running again. A few minutes later, he came back with a scarf. Hypno frowned skeptically. 

"Absolutely not, you'll suffocate yourself in that thing."

"I'll be fine." XB insisted. "It's only for a few minutes anyway."

"XB, it's August." Hypno reminded him. "A scarf is probably the most suspicious thing you could wear."

"It's fine!" XB repeated, switching the t-shirt out for proper clothes. "I'll just say that there's a breeze or something."

Hypno sighed. This wasn't going to work, but there wasn't anything he could do about it. XB had too much self regard to go out with a visible love mark, but not enough self regard to remember that he hated scarves.

"Alright then, if you say so..."

This had been a bad idea.

With his gills covered by the scarf and the unbearable heat hanging in the air, XB could barely breathe. He tugged at it and changed its position for the 5th time since he'd left Hypno's base, but there wasn't any way to fix the issue without taking it off.

Which, of course, he wasn't gonna do. He'd rather die of suffocation than embarrassment.

When he finally reached Xisuma's base, he quite literally felt like a fish out of water. His gills were smothered, the small patches of scales across his body were dry and itchy, and his legs were ready to give out beneath him. He didn't even bother to knock, knowing X was expecting him here anyway.

"Xisuma? You here?" He called, and as if on cue, the Admin walked out of a door and into the hallway.

"Hey XB, nice to-" He stopped mid-sentence, raising his eyebrows in what seemed to be amused skepticism. "What's the scarf for?" 

"I- Uh, it's just a-" XB stammered, feeling himself blush as Xisuma grinned. "It's nothing!"

"Come on XB, everyone knows that you hate scarves." The Admin laughed. "You're hiding something."

"Am not!" XB insisted, but was too late to stop Xisuma as he reached over and pulled the scarf away. His eyes immediately widened, however, once he did.

"Oh." He remarked, and the grin slowly came back. "Who's this from then?"

"Hypno." XB mumbled, not bothered to try and hide it anymore. "I didn't want anyone to see it..."

"I hate to break it to you, but you did a terrible job." X admitted, taking his friend's hand and leading him upstairs. "Let me help. EX gave me concealer for under my eyes a few weeks back and yelled at me to sleep more often, you can borrow it if you like."

XB smiled as Xisuma covered up the bite mark, surprised that things went so badly yet so we'll at the same time. Once he was done, the Admin offered him a hug.

"You know you can always talk to me about this stuff, right?"

"Thanks Xisuma." XB admitted. 

"No problem." He replied. "Besides... I have great blackmail material now."


This was pretty short, ~700 words, but I liked the idea and I stuck with it  :)

Hopefully I'll have another two oneshots out by the end of the month, but until then, thanks for reading!

- Xan

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