Incorrect Quotes #1

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Zedaph: What if I press the brake and gas at the same time? 

Xisuma: The car takes a screenshot.  

Doc: For the last time X, get the fuck out.

Cleo: *Walking in to a room* Sorry I'm late... I was... doing things. 

BDubs: *Running in behind  her* SHE PUSHED ME DOWN THE FUCKING STAIRS-

Etho: Time for plan G.

Mumbo: Don't you mean plan B?

Etho: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties.

Stress : What about plan D?

Etho: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago.

XB: What about plan E?

Etho: I'm hoping not to use it. Scar dies in plan E.

Grian: I like plan E.

Keralis: What if the person who named Walkie Talkies named everything? 

Gem: Pregnancy tests are Maybe Babies 

Pearl: Socks are Feetie Heaties 

Tango: Forks are Stabby Grabbies 

Impulse: Defibrillators are Heartie Starties 

Hypno: Nightmares are Dreamy Screamies 

Cleo: Stamps are Lickie Stickies 

Joe, annoyed: And you're all disappointments

TFC: Well, well, well... if it isn't my old friend: the dawning realization that I fucked up bad.

Hels: I'm sick and tired of being called 'mortal' like, you don't know that. Neither do I. I have never died even ONCE. Nothing has been proven yet. Stop making assumptions. It's rude.

EX: If Hels and I were drowning, who would you save?

BadTimes: You two can't swim?

EX: It's a hypothetical question! Who would you save?

BadTimes: my time and effort.

Cub: If you bite it and you die, it's poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it's venomous. 

False: What if it bites me and it dies!?

Jevin: Then you're poisonous. Jesus Christ, False, learn to listen. 

Iskall: What if it bites itself and I die? 

Beef: That's voodoo. 

Wels: What if it bites me and someone else dies?

False: That's correlation, not causation. 

Iskall: What if we bite each other, and neither of us die? 

Beef: That's kinky. 

Cub: Oh my God.

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