Platonic Hoodie Stealing - Gem & Xisuma

638 31 28

Word Count ~ 1300

Some people say that if you follow the sounds of sneezing, you'll find a sick Hermit who's trying to deny their illness. And that was certainly what happened to Xisuma, when he heard sneezing coming from Gem's treehouse and found her out in the rain with a pink nose. 

"Oh! H-hi Xisuma!" She greeted, trying her best to smile enthusiastically.

"Gem, it's raining!" The admin pointed out, wiping the droplets from his visor. "What are you doing?"

"Just trying to... fix this little... issue." She admitted, sneezing twice in that sentence alone. "The roof started leaking, I need to fix it."

"You need to stop, you'll catch a cold!" X protested, grabbing her by the hand and leading her back to his base. "I think you already have, if I'll be honest."

"Wait! I can't just leave my house!" Gem whined. "It'll get all wet!"

"Do you have a bucket under the leak?"


"That'll do, come on."

As terrible as Xisuma was at accepting others' help, he was brilliant at giving it. He practically pushed the younger hermit into his house, making sure that she looked after herself.

"There's a bathroom next to my room, you can take a shower and borrow some of my clothes." He instructed. "I'll get medicine or tea or whatever you need."

"X! I'm fine!" Gem complained. "Just let me get back to my roof and I can-"

"Tomorrow!" The admin insisted, pushing her into his room and closing the door behind her.

He heard the hermit's long sigh of acceptance, and smiled, knowing he'd done his job. Then he busied himself getting anything else Gemini might need, including cookies and a cup of tea with far too much sugar in it to be healthy.


A shocked gasp startled the Admin, and he turned around to see Gem in one of his Metallica t-shirts and a pair of shorts. Her eyes were wide and full of excitement as she held something green and fluffy in her arms.

"You didn't tell me you had a turtle hoodie!"

Xisuma couldn't help but laugh.

"You can borrow it if you want to." He told her, smiling again at her excitement as she pulled it over her head. Her little antlers got a bit stuck, but when she managed to get it on it reached down past her knees.

"It's so fluffy!" She gasped, hugging herself with the cutest grin on her face. "Can I keep it for today?"

"Of course! I haven't worn it since Season 6, I don't think I'd miss it for a few hours." The admin admitted, carefully lifting the tea over. "That's for you, by the way."

"Does it have 3 spoons of sugar?" Gem asked, blowing a little on the cup.

"Yes..." X sighed, the younger hermit giggling at the visible pain in his eyes. "You're insane, you know that, right?" 

"You're the one who wears that big heavy helmet all day for no reason." 

"I do have reasons! It's... useful! And I look like Doomguy when I wear it." Xisuma claimed, crossing his arms.

Gem put the tea down, standing up on the couch to reach the Admin's head. Then she grabbed it and pulled it off, revealing his messy helmet-hair.

"Yeah, but it makes your hair look stupid." She pointed out. "Speaking of hair, can you help me with mine?"

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