Weak - Zedaph Angst

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Not the angstiest angst I've written, but it's angst nonetheless and I'm happy with him. This was requested by sorbetsharky (great username btw) and only took 20 minutes to write because it's on the shorter side of the scale.

Zedaph barely had the energy to wipe the sweat from his brow as he slowly hollowed out the boulder he was to call his base. Of all the times to get sick, the first day of Season 9 was not an ideal one.

If a Hermit questioned how exhausted or unwell he looked, he only replied with 'I'm fine, just getting used to building bases again." Nobody had time to look after him on day one, so he decided not to be a problem.

His arms felt like lead as he swung the pickaxe over and over. It was getting harder each time, to the point where he was about to collapse. But he kept persisting, ignoring how hot and heavy his whole body felt.

But the pounding headache he was fighting couldn't be ignored for long, and eventually he had to put his tools down and take a break. He felt useless. Why should he deserve to stay in a server with such talented people when he couldn't even handle a fever?

It certainly felt worse than a fever. He felt like he was carrying weights on his shoulders and arms and wearing a blanket in the middle of a heatwave. The headache was like a hammer being slammed into his head again and again. He couldn't even breathe properly because his lungs felt crushed.

"I-Impulse?" He called, and it even hurt to talk. "Tango...? Someone... please...."

Every time he blinked his eyes stayed closed for a second longer, until he could barely keep them open. He couldn't even stand properly, swaying from side to side and trying to find something to balance on as his vision blurred.

All he could think was how useless he was, how helpless and worthless he must be as a friend if he can't even take care of himself.

No wonder his friends weren't coming.

They wouldn't want someone as weak as him.

Yep, very short. Lie I said though, I'm happy with it though, so hopefully you are too. I'm more than happy to write more requests, especially at the start of a new Season,  so if there's anything you wanna see me write, I'll do it <3

- Xan

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