The Owl House AU

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I've had an obsession with The Owl House over the last few days, especially considering that Season 2 just came out on Disney+ where I live, so have this not well planned out AU I came up with at 10pm last night  :)

Obviously, this will have spoilers for both Seasons of the show, so you have been warned.

Luz - Gem

Eda - Cleo

King - BDubs

Amity - Pearl

Willow - Scar

Gus - Grian

Raine - Joe

Lilith - Mumbo

Emperor Belos - Xisuma

The Golden Guard/Hunter - EX

- Before anyone says anything, Gem and Pearl's relationship is absolutely PLATONIC in this AU. 

- I picked Gem because she has a lot in common with Luz (cough cough, bisexual-), and maybe because of her being a witch in Empires 

- Instead of Eda's owl curse, Cleo has a zombie curse. She starts turning into a zombie when she gets stressed/upset, and loses control of herself when she becomes a full one. It also explains the whole 'limbs falling off' thing.

-BDubs is 9/10 years old, and instead of being a demon like King he's just a little glare that Cleo found/adopted 

- Xisuma as Belos, partially because EX is Hunter and I like the dynamic idea, but villain Xisuma is severely underrated

- Also, EX as Hunter is pure perfection.

- I made Lilith Mumbo because I couldn't think of anyone better. 

- Scar being an adorable little plant witch with 2 dads is too much for my heart to handle

- I just picked Grian for Gus because both give off huge 'theatre kid' vibes in my opinion

- Pearl's family are the Watchers. They pressure her to constantly work harder and be better than everyone else, and disapprove of her being friends (I repeat, FRIENDS) with Gem

- I'm still not able to get over EX as Hunter. 

- Mumbo and Cleo being literal siblings is actually something I really like

- Also, Eda and Raine angst but it's Cleo and Joe

- Speaking of angst, 'Hollow Mind' with Gem, Xisuma and EX would destroy me

EX: And try to stay out of trouble, the Emperor is not a merciful man... Byeeeeee!
(EX/Hunter is still living rent free in my head btw)

This might actually be my favourite AU that I've come up with.

- Xan

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