Insecurities - Scarian Fluff

508 33 6

I haven't updated since 2022. Oops.

Word Count ~ 400

Scar frowned as he stared into the mirror. He knew grey hairs were normal for people his age, but he didn't like that he had them. Nobody had noticed them yet, not even Grian, but Scar felt like they grew increasingly obvious every day.

He'd tried combing them out of sight, cutting them, dyeing them... but within a week or two they always came back. With a defeated sigh, Scar put his comb away and accepted that he'd simply have to deal with them.

He went back downstairs, where Grian was sitting in the living room. Scar sat down beside him, clearly upset or disappointed about something.

"What's wrong?" Grian asked, putting his book down. Scar tilted his head a little to give him a better view of his hair. "...Oh."

"Is that a good 'oh' or a bad 'oh?"

"Do you not like them?

Scar shook his head, and Grian smiled. "Well, I think they suit you. I actually really like them."

"Easy for you to say." Scar laughed half-heartedly. "You don't have anything to be insecure about... you're literally perfect."

"Not only are you biased, but you're also wrong." Grian replied, also laughing. "There's one thing about myself that I really dislike." He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a pair of round, black glasses.

"You need glasses?!"

"For the most part no, I'm far-sighted. I just hate how they look on me."

"Well now you have to show me!" Scar insisted, and Grian (semi-reluctantly) obliged. "Oh my gosh... that's adorable."

"I just look stupid with them on." Grian admitted, reaching to take them off.

"No, don't! Please keep them!"

"Will you keep the grey hairs?"

"If it means you'll wear these, then yes. They somehow make you look even cuter than usual."

"Maybe I can be the CuteGuy to your HotGuy." Grian suggested with a smirk.

"You think I'm hot?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"Haha, yes! I've still got it." Scar exclaimed victoriously.

"There's a reason I've never told you that before and I think this is it." Grian sighed, as Scar beamed proudly at the idea of Grian thinking he was attractive. "You're not gonna shut up about that for the rest of the day, are you?"

"Absolutely not. And I'm not gonna shut up about how cute your little face looks with those glasses either."

"Oh for goodness' sake..." Grian groaned.

"You married me!" Scar laughed. "Now you have to put up with me for the rest of your life!"

"I'll start wearing contacts if you don't stop."

"Ok ok ok!" Scar said quickly, shaking his head and making Grian laugh. "I'll stop, but can you please keep the glasses?"

"I'll consider it."


Lmfao, I couldn't end a chapter well if my life depended on it.

- Xan

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