Mein Engel - GriDoc

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My German is kinda rusty, but I couldn't pass this down once I thought of it. They'll be translations in the comments.

Grian wasn't sure what time it was when he woke up, but it was later than he'd like. He started to sit up, only for a strong arm to pull him back down again.

"Nein... bleib bei mir." Doc mumbled sleepily.

"I need to go Doc." Grian reminded him, slowly attempting to lift the metal arm off of him. It stayed put. "You know I have a lot to do."

"Und? Ich auch. Es kann warten." The creeper protested. "Bleib bei mir. Ich dachte du liebst mich."

"Ich leibe dich wirklich..." Grian confirmed. "But I'm also very busy. You know how it is with the new Season and everyth..."

He stopped talking when he saw the sadness in Doc's eyes. As real or fake as it was, Gri was a sucker for that face.

"...Fine. I'll stay for half an hour." He promised, letting Doc pull him back into the bed. The creeper kissed the blonde's head.

"I'll keep you forever, mein Engle." He teased, wrapping his arms around Grian to ensure it.

Idk if this is even a oneshot, considering how short it is, but I'm happy with it. Like I said, I haven't really used my German in a while, so corrections on my grammar and such are welcome and encouraged.

- Xan

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