Hermit-a-Day May, Week 1 (Art)

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Hiya :D

So if anyone isn't aware, there's a thing going around (mostly on Twitter) called Hermit-a-Day May. As the name might suggest, it's an art prompt list for the month of May centered around Hermitcraft. Every day there's a new prompt to draw, but instead of updating this book with a single piece of art on a daily basis, I've decided to upload an entire week's worth of prompts every Sunday in May.

Here's the first week.

Day 1 - Etho

Day 1 - Etho

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Day 2 - Iskall

Day 2 - Iskall

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Day 3- Favourite Build

(I'm atrocious at drawing landscapes, sorry)

(I'm atrocious at drawing landscapes, sorry)

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Day 4 - False

Day 4 - False

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Day 5 - Gem

Day 5 - Gem

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Day 6 - Doc

Day 6 - Doc

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Day 7 - XB

Day 7 - XB

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And that's week 1! I'm sure you get the idea by now, and I'll be updating this each Sunday to show my progress, update my Hermit designs, and hopefully revive this dead-ass book. Thanks for reading!

- Xan

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