(Updated) Owl House AU :D

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Hiya! Ignore the fact that this book has been dead for almost 3 months, (I forget about it quite frequently, have you noticed?) because I wanna update my Owl House AU! :D

The show actually ended two weeks ago, and I need an excuse to keep talking about it. I also need an excuse to update this book, so I guess we're doing this again. The AU itself actually needed an update anyway, I'm pretty sure I haven't changed anything about it since I first made it almost a year ago.

So as per usual, there's gonna be huge spoilers for all seasons of The Owl House. Read at your own risk I guess.



Luz: Gem

Eda: Cleo

King: Jevin

Lilith: Mumbo

Amity: False

Gus: Tango

Willow: Scar

Hunter: EX

Camilla: Stress

Vee: Xisuma

Alador: Doc

Raine: Joe

Steve: Iskall

Edric: Zedaph

Emira: Impulse

Matt: BDubs

The Collector: Grian

Emperor Belos: Hels

Caleb: Wels

Extra Notes

° I replaced Pearl with False this time, but Luz is Gem so I still can't have Lumity in this AU ;-;

° Does King being Jevin mean that the Boiling Isles is the skeleton of a giant blue blob of slime? Apparently yes.

° Cleo's curse is still the same as last time, although Mumbo's is slightly different. He has this extreme bloodlust that builds up over time (think vampirism), and if it gets too strong he loses control over himself.

⁰ False has a super strict upbringing and is a bully at first because of the social standards being forced onto her. She eventually becomes best friends with Gem (I sincerely apologise for the lesbian erasure here, but boundaries are important)

⁰ Tango is just a perpetually hyper, occasionally overdramatic yet extremely powerful nerd. He's mostly just here for his friends, but often gets sidetracked with his not-so-subtle crush on BDubs (yes I'm making Gustholomule canon in this AU, fuck you /lh)

⁰ Scar always gets judged and underestimated because what he can't do, but not many people understand how powerful he actually is. His palisman functions as more of a disability aid than a weapon, but he and Clover will happily take down a few Coven Scouts if they feel like it.

⁰ Also, Scar x EX? I kinda love it

⁰ Speaking of EX, he's a clone of Emperor Hels's dead brother Wels, but was lied to for 16 years and told he was Hels's nephew. He used to be known as the Golden Guard, but eventually he and Gem figured out the truth and he ran away. He's since gained the trust of the others, but is still pretty traumatised from it all.

⁰ EX and Xisuma have no relation in this AU btw. Xisuma is a shape-shifter who was held captive by Hels because of his ability to drain magic from others. He eventually escaped, and took Gem's place in the human realm without her or Stress's knowledge.

⁰ Doc is False's dad, and Impulse and Zedaph are her older brothers. It's a weird family, but this whole AU is kinda weird lol.

⁰ Joe is a bard and Eda's ex-partner, but they both still love each other and end up getting back together in the end

⁰ Nobody really knows who Iskall is, he's just sort of there and nobody seems to mind. He's BDubs's older brother and Mumbo's best friend. BDubs in this AU can be pretty rude and full of himself, but he eventually warms up to Tango.

⁰ Grian is a godlike being called a Watcher who came from the stars. Hels found him 400 years ago and wants him to help destroy the Boiling Isles, but Grian's essentially just a child, and doesn't understand the consequences of his actions. 

⁰ And speaking of Hels, he's a human witch hunter who got trapped in the Demon Realm 400 years ago. He killed his own brother Wels for falling in love with a witch, and made clones of him called Grimwalkers to assist him in destroying all witches.

⁰ Hooty is just Hooty. Always was, always will be.

Anyway,  that's my updated Owl House AU. Thanks for reading!

- Xan

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