Soul Stealer AU (Scarian)

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It's basically an AU I thought of where Scar's a vex, who takes peoples souls by making deals with them. 

He'll offer the person something they can't refuse, and make them sign a contract. Then he'll give them what they want, if  they can bring him something in return. He always requests something impossible to get, like a nether star or an elytra.

If the person doesn't bring him the item within a certain period, the contract expires, and he owns their soul. He needs souls to survive, and puts them in a totem of undying to keep them safe.

Then one day, Grian (who'd been exploring the world) comes along and finds the woodland mansion that Scar keeps the totem in. He tries to take it, but Scar catches him before he can. Then, spotting an opportunity to get a new soul, he offers Grian the totem, which can grant him immunity from death as long as he holds it. In exchange, he has 3 days to get him a dragon egg.

Grian signs the contract, and Scar is convinced he won't be able to do it. Until sunset, on the last day, when he turns up holding the dragon egg the Vex requested. Scar is shocked, he gave Grian the hardest task he could think of in exchange for the totem, just to make sure he couldn't get it.

He needs the totem to live, but is bound by his own contract too, and is forced to hand it over. Once he no longer owns the totem, which not only contains the souls but also his source of magic, he loses all of his Vex powers and becomes a human.

No longer influenced or controlled by magic, Scar finally realises what he's done, and begs Grian to destroy the totem. Grian does so, releasing all of the trapped souls and the magic. Although this is good for the people who had their souls taken, it means Scar is now permanently human. 

At first he's distraught, and doesn't know what to do, but Grian reassures him and offers to be his friend. Scar accepts (with no deals or contracts this time), and goes with Grian on his exploration around the world.

Tbh, this would be a book if I wasn't already writing a Scarian story. I absolutely adore the idea, so I might make it into a oneshot, that will either be really long or have a few parts to it. This means I don't want anyone else use this AU, unfortunately, even if you credit me.

Thanks for reading this, and fingers-crossed I might actually write it soon!

- Xan

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