Incorrect Quotes #4

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*Laughs in not updating for almost a month*

I'm doing something a little different in which all of these quotes are from my friends/classmates, namely because the incorrect quotes generator is running out of ideas. I think it's still just as funny.

EX: I always come out to people in the most obscene ways

EX: Like that time Hels called BadTimes a dick and I just said 'It's ok'

EX: 'I still love dicks'

XB: You know what, screw responsibility

XB: Let's just buy plushies and pretend our homework doesn't exist

Hypno: ...

Scar: Marry me

Xisuma: There is nothing more terrifying than an entire restaurant being forced to sing 'Happy Birthday' to you, because your parents casually mentioned your birthday to the waiter in the hopes of getting a discount.

(In chat)

Grian: Iskall help

Grian: I got stuck in the bathroom

Iskall: How do you do these things to yourself


BDubs: I think I have PTSD from sitting next to Ren

TFC: I know I'm supposed to be an 'adult'

TFC: But the Lego Batman Movie is still the funniest thing I've ever watched

Doc: *falls*




Wels: There's so much you could be doing with your life, like taking pictures of wild animals!

Gem: The closest I've ever come to seeing a 'wild animal' was that time Pearl and I found an abandoned Peppa Pig toy in the middle of a park.

Pearl: Unfortunately, we didn't think to take a selfie.

Etho, 5 minutes before a test: What were we supposed to study again?

Mumbo: Pythagoras' theorem

Etho: Oh, is that the thing where you put holes in a pie to stop it from exploding?

Mumbo: ...

Mumbo: Etho, this is maths

Joe: Harry Potter was kept in a closet, wasn't allowed to properly express himself, and was abused by his aunt and uncle who were scared of what he really was.

Joe: What do you think this could be a metaphor for?


Joe: I was going to say racial prejudice, but good on you for thinking outside of the box! :D

Beef: What sucks about tracing the origins of your name back, is that everyone gets these really deep meanings like 'Light Bringer' and 'Torture'

Beef: And mine means: The flesh of a cow, bull, or ox, used as food

Stress: You've got this!

Keralis: Keep going!

False: Would you guys stop doing that? It's like every time you try to motivate me, you jinx me instead and I end up doing worse.

Stress: ...

Keralis: ...

Stress: You suck at everything!

Keralis: There's no point, give up!

False: Well now I'm just demotivated.

Cub: Can you guys be quiet?

Tango: No, we're conversationing!

Impulse: Isn't it conversating?

Zedaph: Pretty sure it was conversationalising

Cub: How are all 3 of you incorrect?

Jevin: And worse, why do all 3 options sound correct?

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