My Traffic Zine Writing Piece! (MARTYN READ MY FANFIC????)

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I posted a chapter about this a month or two ago, but to remind anyone who doesn't remember, I applied for, got into and wrote a piece for something called Traffic Zine. If you're unfamiliar with it, it's basically a collection of artworks from amazingly talented artists all themed around the Life Series, but this year for their Limited Life themed zine, they allowed writers to enter too!

I wasn't expecting to get accepted, but somehow I did, and this was the piece I wrote for it. It's themed around Martyn's very first episode of Limited Life, in which he gets inflicted with the Boogeyman's curse and has a hard time finding someone to kill. It was cool enough being able to participate in a community project with such amazing, kind and talented people, but things got even better about a week or so after the zine was released.

Martyn reacted to it on stream.

He reacted to the piece I wrote.

An actual MCYT read my fanfic about them.

No, I'm not kidding.

I'll link his the VOD in this chapter (my part starts at exactly 14:00), so you can either read this yourself in the prior chapter or watch Martyn read it instead, although I highly recommend listening to Martyn's version as he did music and voice acting and everything for it. Words can't describe how unbelievably excited I am about this, this is genuinely the coolest thing that's ever happened to me and it's given me a whole new level of confidence in regards to my writing. And, as cheesy as it sounds, I wouldn't have gotten here without you guys, so thank you.

I'll stop waffling and let you watch the video now <3

- Xan

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